A Signed Recording Artist

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It was Wednesday night, Tori and her parents just finished dinner and they were going to talk about the contract that they got from Mason Thronesmith. 

Her mom said, "Sweetie I know you want an update on the contract and here it is. We gave it to Jim Carter from Star Agency, he has clients who signed with Mr. Thronesmith," 

Tori said, "And?"

Her mom said, "He said he it was an OK offer, not great but not terrible and he was countering the offer in hopes of a better deal,"

Tori was concerned, thinking that Mason would just rip up the contract. Tori said, "Are you sure that's a good idea, I'm worried he'll fire me again," Mom replied, "Again?" Tori said, "Yeah, I refused to wear what he wanted me to wear and fired me a day before but Jade gave me the spot back before the show,"   

Her Mom said, "Is this the same girl who refuses to call you a friend and yet visits here regularly and gave you the spot back?"  Tori answered, "That's her," 

Mrs. Vega reassured her saying, "I'm sure he won't do that. Besides we've been fielding calls from other record companies like RPX and others so you'll get signed somewhere even if Mason doesn't sign you," Tori said, "How did you find Jim Carter?" 

Mr. Vega said, "Remember Dave Reed from American Idol?" Tori said, "Yeah wasn't his dad one of your co-workers?" Mr. Vega said, "He was until he retired, anyway Carter was Dave's agent and Carter is also the agent of Beck's as well. Don't worry I had this guy check out from top to bottom along with a few others in the department,"

Tori said, "Were your bosses OK with this?" Mr. Vega said, "Believe it or not, they helped. They want to make sure you're getting the best agent out there. They saw and enjoyed your performance," 

Tori said, "I'm still worried," Mr. Vega tried to reassure her. "Don't worry it will be done, soon," 

While the Vegas' were worried at home, Mason Thronesmith was in his office after looking at the counteroffer from Tori's agent thinking about what the next steps to take.  

His assistant said, "Guessing you took Tori Vega's counteroffer?" He replied, "I did," His assistant asked, "What are you going to do about that?" Mason thought about what he was going to say next then said, "A part of me what's me to rip up that contract, especially with that Carter guy involved like I did others however I know if I do that I know others will sign her, Sean Quincy from RPX himself asked about her if she was available. She's not a secret, millions of people saw her. Let's look at the offer again and see what if we can work out a deal to make both sides happy. Also, do we have plans for tomorrow morning,"

His assistant said, "We do," Mason said, "Good cancel them, We're going to Hollywood Arts to get the Vegas' to sign that dang contract."     

The next day it looked like an average day as Tori went to Sikowitz's class like usual and then Lane entered the class and asked if Tori could come to his office which she did. When she and Lane entered Lane's office she saw  Mason, his assistant, Jim Carter, her parents, and some camera people. 

Tori said, "What's going on?" Mason said, "Well Tori, we look at the counteroffer your agent gave us and usually I rip up the contract but I know others will sign you if I do plus I do want to make you a star and I want "Make It In America" to be a hit song. So they came up with a revised contract which should make both sides happy and gave it to your parents and your agent the contract, have you guys looked at it?"

Carter said, "We have and I like the parents to review it again," They reviewed the contract and discussed further then asked if they could go outside which Mason allowed them to do and Tori joined them in the hall. 

Mrs. Vega said, "Should we sign the deal?" Carter said, "It's the best deal that Mason has made to a new artist, I recommend you sign," Mrs. Vega said, "There is one more question I have," and they go back into the office. 

Mrs. Vega said, "So Mason, about Tori's education?" Mason replied, "What about Tori's education?" Mrs. Vega said, "Will she be able to finish her high school education?" Mason said, "She'll be able to finish her junior year and that, more than likely we're going to have a tour for about a year but we will make sure she'll continue her education through online classes. She'll get her high school degree you have my word," Mrs. Vega said, "What about college?" Thronesmith said, "I'll make that option available," 

Mrs. Vega had her concerns but agreed to sign the contract and Mason said They welcomed Tori Vega to the Neutronium Records through their website and other social media platforms and that they would start recording the single "Make It In America" after school and would have it ready by Friday. 

When Tori Vega went back to class her classmates who already knew that the news through seeing the live video on the Records website including her friends mobbed her to wish her Congratulations and got hugs from her friends including Jade who hardly like to touch people outside of Beck.  

"Congrats Tori," Andre said. "You're on your way to becoming a Pop Star now, Vega," Jade said.

"Can I come to the studio to see you record your song?" Andre said, "Of Course," Tori said.

Cat said, "When do you record your single?" Tori said, "After school, Why you want to come?" Cat said, "I better not, I got to fight my bibble addict," Jade said, "Me and Beck are helping her," Robbie said, "So am I," Rex said, "Diddio," 

Sikowitz said, "OK people I know we're happy about Tori's big news but can we let me finish my lesson but seriously Tori Congrats on signing the contract. I wish you nothing but the best," 

"Thank You Sikowitz and everyone," said Tori, and class resumed. 

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