Record, Performances, and Classes

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With the success of Make It In America, Tori Vega was a very busy High Schooler. After class, she would go to the Recording Studio for three to four hours and then go home and do it all over again for about a month. Even the weekends were busy for Tori as she made singing appearances in LA, she rarely had time to hang out with her friends. She was missing hanging out with them outside of school. Also, she was exhausted with the balancing act. She got a day off from time to time but not as many. She sang the National Anthem at Dodgers Stadium and also threw out the first pitch where she threw a strike. Her sister and friends except for Jade who hates sports were there with her Dad chaperoning them, sort of. 

The friends went to get food and/or walk around while Tori and her dad stayed in their seats to watch the game. Mr. Vega said, "You were great Kiddo," Tori said, "Thanks Dad, sorry it wasn't the Angels," knowing that her father was an Angels fan. Mr. Vega said, "That's OK, that was on Mason not you, I hate the Dodgers because they were the reason your grandparents were forced out of their homes because of this stadium,"  Tori said, "That stinks to hear and I'm sure it stunk for them to go through that," Mr. Vega said, "It was but they eventually found a new place and the rest was history, especially hating on the Dodgers and now their granddaughter sang the national anthem at this stadium and I was drafted by the Dodgers when I was a senior in high school," Tori said, "Wow why didn't you go?" Mr. Vega said, "I thought about it but I decided to go to college instead and it was the best decision I made going to UCLA where I met your mom and the rest was history. I did get another opportunity at Major League Baseball but decided to be a Police Officer instead," Tori said, "Do you regret choosing the Badge over being a professional athlete?" Mr. Vega said, "Not really, I would have got through at least four minor league levels to make it to the majors and unsure if I wanted to do that and I was with your mother at the time, so I made my choice just like you made whose,"

Tori asked, "Am I making a big mistake?" Mr Vega said,"Well, it would have been nice to go to college but if this is your dream, go for it. Then again your mom and me did co-sign with you so it's on the three of us plus since we signed the contract it's too late now plus the song is climbing the charts, so you're already living the dream," Tori said, "I wish the dream including my friends," Her dad said, "Hey look at it this way, it's easier to contact your friends with social media or your Pear Phone. I contacted people through social media I hadn't seen in years. I'm sure you'll find a way to contact them," Tori said, "We should go to games more often," Her dad said, "Maybe someday we will maybe to a World Series like we did in 2002 in Game 7 seeing the Angels win the Series,".  As soon as he finished saying that, her friends came back to their seats and they watched the rest of the game.

The next time that Tori sang the national anthem was at Northridge College which was remembered for all the wrong reasons as the mascot of the College a St. Bernard dragged Tori while she was singing the anthem though it did give her an appearance on the Chris Burm show she performed her song "Bad Boys," where Chris Burm planned to embarrass Tori by blowing up a stuffed dog filled with spaghetti however, Beck and Andre were in the audience they sprang into action as Beck distracted the female production assistants as Andre worked to remove the device from the stuffed dog. They succeeded as Beck went to put the device under the host's chair and when the host hit the button, he was the one who was embarrassed as he blew himself up and hit the roof, suffering several injuries. It could have been worse, Mason Thronesmith in Chris Burm's hospital room threatened to sue and/or have him and his bosses fired for putting his talent at risk.   

The Song "Bad Boys" was added to the album. Tori was struggling to come up with new songs and turned to her friend Andre to help her out. He co-wrote nearly half of the songs on the album including "Here's 2 Us," which they performed at the Cow Wow and "Faster than Boyz," which wounded their friendship but they recovered and a famous music producer Kojeezy offered to buy it from them if it passed the baby test. If the Baby doesn't make a noise, he'll buy the song, if the baby cried he won't. The played the song again and the baby cried and Kojeezy passed on the song making Tori cry while Andre comforted her. Luckily for Andre and Tori, Mason wanted to hear the song and when he hear the song, he demanded Kojeezy to produce the song which Kojeezy agreed to because Mason was the boss. 

Also, Mason hired Andre as a producer, writer, artist, and studio musician after his work with Tori and her album. Toward the completion of the album, Tori was exhausted to the point where she was caught sleeping in Sikowitz's class. Jade like she did earlier when Tori slept on the stairs, got her whistle and blew it towards Tori's ear and Tori fell out of her chair and onto the floor. 

Sikowitz said, "Hey Tori, why so sleepy?"  Tori said trying to get up, "Sorry, I'm been exhausted with school, the album, appearances. It's starting to take a toll on me. Also, did I hear a whistle again?" Jade said, "No, you just dreamed it again," but Robbie added, "Jade has a whistle on her," Pissing off Jade who said, "Robbie, if you rat on me again, I'll going to take my whistle and I'm going to shove it up your," Cat interrupting saying, "Graphic!" and Sikowitz added, "Jade, I rather you don't shove anything up anyone's behind, at least not in my class," Jade said, "I rather Robbie not have said anything about my whistle and yet here we are," Robbie said, "It wasn't nice to blow a whistle near people's ear," Jade said, "Neither is putting a whistle up one's," Sikowitz said, "Again not in my class, Jade," 

Beck asked, "Have you tried coffee?" Tori answered, "I have but it doesn't work as well as it once did," Robbie said, "Energy Drinks?" Tori replied, "I tried one and got the shakes and was done with energy drinks," Cat said, "A big bowl of Sugar?" Tori answered, "Thanks for the tips, guys but I'm almost done with the album, so hopefully I won't have that busy of a schedule until the album is close to being released,"

Sikowitz said, "Have you thought about Coconut Milk?" Tori said, "Can we continue with your class while I try to stay awake for it?"   Sikowitz said, "Sounds like a plan," as he continued with the class and Tori tried to stay awake for it and Jade said to Robbie, "I'm going to put Rex in a woodchipper if you say anything like that again," and Robbie was shooked.                  

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