1. Half-Sister

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My eyes shot up. "What did you just say?" I question, my voice weak. I must be hearing things, right? It can't be true. It just can't.

He sighs. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner. I didn't want to interrupt your studies and get you sidetracked." He replies, his head down in shame.

I take a deep breath. "Okay. Okay, yeah. Alright. So, just to recap to make sure I'm not hearing things, you just said that Taissa Turner, the girl who has been bullying me since second grade and who is the reason I stopped playing soccer is- is my half-sister?" I ask.

He nods. I take another deep breath. "Okay. Got it. Anything else?" I ask.

He hesitantly nods and it takes everything in me not to groan. "Before I tell you what I'm about to, you should know the context. Eighteen years ago, when your mom got pregnant with you, my closest friend Frederick asked your mother and me to have dinner with him and his wife, Margaret. Of course, we agreed. At dinner, Frederick asked if I would be willing to donate my sperm because he had visited a fertility clinic and, unfortunately, he was sterile. I talked it over with your mom and then agreed. I just- I wanted to make it clear to you that I never cheated on your mom." He told me.

I nodded. Good. This is starting to make a modicum of sense now. "Okay, good. Now, what is this all context for?" I question, suspicious.

He laughs nervously. "Uhm, well, so, the thing is, Frederick and I agreed that, once I told you, he would tell Taissa. We also agreed that the two of you should spend some time getting to know each other better. So, we talked to coach Ben, and he agreed to let you tag along with them to nationals in three days." He tells me.

"What!" I shout, losing my calm as I burst from my seat.

He looks away, not meeting my gaze.

I take a deep breath. "Dad, I'm more than happy to get to know this half-sister I just found out about five minutes ago. However, this weekend I have a surgical workshop. Do I really have to go?" I ask.

He sighs. "Sorry, kiddo. You have to go. But, how about this; to make it up to you, I'll let you choose one or two surgical workshops down there and I'll pay for them. I just ask that you try to get to know her and you go watch her game. Okay, kiddo?" He asks.

His eyes clearly showing his desperation.

I sigh. "Okay. I'll go. But you better not forget what you just said, okay? Also, I get the truck until I leave. Deal?" I say, crossing my arms.

He holds his hands up in surrender with a smile on his face. "Deal. I'll have Roger give me a ride to and from work. Now, you better get to school. I love you!" He tells me.

I roll my eyes, a smile on my face. "I love you too, Dad," I reply.

Fuck my life.


"Ugh. I can't believe you dragged me to this lame-ass party." I groaned.

Danny laughs. "Deal with it. I wanna get wasted." He tells me with a grin on his face.

I roll my eyes.

"Alright, let's go." He says.

I hop out of the passenger seat and we walk into the clearing where the party is taking place.

"Shit," I mutter. Of course, Taissa and the yellowjackets are here. Why the fuck wouldn't they be? Fuck!

"You should go find your girlfriend. I'm gonna go see if the stoners have anything good on them." He says.

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