3. Cabins Ahoy

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I'm the first to wake up. It's the crack of dawn and the sun isn't even halfway above the horizon. I stand up and walk over to where Danny is, still lying against a tree. I shake him and he opens his eyes.

"Morning," I tell him. He looks around, confused. "What's going on? Where are we?" He asks. I sigh. "I'll wake Misty up and have her fill you in. Sorry, Danny, but I got some shit to do." I tell him.

He looks confused but nods his head. I shake Misty awake. "I need you to fill Danny in on everything that has happened and inspect his wounds. When I come back, tell me how everything is. Okay?" I say.

She nods and gets up, walking over to Danny. I start walking through the woods, hoping to find someone or something that can help us. After about an hour, I'm about to head back when I see something. "Holy fuck. It's a lake." I say, feeling excited.

I run through the woods back to the others. When I get back, everyone is awake and sitting around the fire, probably processing everything that happened yesterday. "Everyone," I say, gathering everyone's attention. "I found a lake an hour south," I say.

Taissa jumps up excitedly. Van as well. They all have some sort of argument while I walk over to check on Misty and Danny. Danny looks at me, tears in his eyes. "Are you okay, Andi?" He asks me. I nod, smiling at him. I bring him in and he gives me a huge bear hug. I pull away and look at Misty.

"How are his wounds?" I ask. I'm going to check them myself, of course, but I've decided. Besides me, Misty has the most knowledge related to the medical field in the group so I should try to teach her what I know. That way, in case something happens to one of us, the group still has one person who can act as a medic.

"There is some redness around the wound on his forehead, however, I don't believe it will be problematic. The most likely cause is from the blunt force his head took when he received the wound." She says. I examine the wound.

"I concur. Good. What about the cut on his chest?" I ask. She gulps. "I believe the wound to be infected. There is red puss draining from the wound, it smells foul, and there is a yellow scab forming around it." She says. I nod as I examine the wound. I bite my lip. Damnit, she's right. It's infected. Fuck.

"What measures did you take once you discovered this?" I ask. "I-I wasn't sure what to do so I poured some alcohol on it and decided to wait for you." She says. I nod. "Good thinking," I tell her. "When treating an infected wound, you should always take into account when the wound was acquired. This wound was acquired yesterday so it can't have been infected for that long, which is good. For now, I'll give him one Amoxicillin Clavulanate every four hours. In addition, we'll apply antibiotic ointment three times a day, every day. Once the infection is cleared, we'll stop with the medication, however, we will continue with the antibiotic ointment until the wound itself is healed. Okay?" I tell her.

She nods. I take the Amoxicillin Clavulanate pill bottle out of my bag and show her what it looks like. Remember, this is 250 milligrams and we'll give him one of these every four hours, okay?" I tell her. She nods. I hand a pill and a bottle of water to Danny. "Here," I tell him. He swallows the pill. I toss his dirty bandages to the side and apply the ointment. He winces and groans slightly. I fresh bandages and pat him on the arm.

"You're gonna be just fine, Danny," I tell him. He chuckles. "Alright then, it's decided. We're going to the lake." I hear Taissa announce. Misty and I stand up. We help Danny to his feet. "Why don't you try to get to know the others? We don't know how long we'll be out here." I tell him. He nods and he walks off. I turn to Misty. "Did you understand everything?" I ask. She nods.

"Good," I reply, nodding my head. "I'll teach you everything I know. That way, if something happens to you or me, the team will still have a medic." I tell her. She nods. I look over and see Van trying to help carry the stretcher Coach Martinez is on. "Oh hell no," I mutter. I rush over and take the stretcher from Van. "What the fuck, Stormer?" She asks.

"Doctors orders are to take it easy, Van. Your leg isn't in good shape." I tell her. She grumbles. "Here, I'll take this," Shauna says, taking the stretcher from me. "Thanks," I tell her. She nods. We all start our trek to the lake with Van using the compass she took from the plane to guide us. When we find the lake, everyone is excited and rushes in. I sit beside Jackie on the shore. "Not interested in swimming?" She asks me. I shake my head.

"Who knows what kind of bacteria is in that lake? If it was a fast-rushing stream or river, that would be different." I tell her. She laughs. "I don't understand what that would have to do with anything, but I'm sure it makes sense and is actually really smart." She tells me. I could tell she was being genuine and not sarcastic, which surprised me. "Why aren't you in the lake?" I ask. She sighs, her eyes wandering over to Shauna.

"Ah, so you're fighting with Shauna then," I say. She nods. "She's my best friend but sometimes it feels like she is hiding so much from me. I'm scared I'm gonna lose her. Then, today, she took Taissa's side over mine. I'm worried." She tells me. I laugh. She gives me a pissed-off look.

"Wait, wait, I wasn't laughing at you, I swear. It's just- well, I'm pretty perceptive so I'll tell you this, Shauna won't ever leave you. It's easy to tell that you are everything to her, especially now that she doesn't really have anything else. She is probably hiding something, but it's clear that she's doing it because she is scared and it's probably something she knows will hurt you. Here is my advice; forgive her. If a rescue team hasn't come yet, they probably aren't coming at all. You're going to want your closest friends with you. If you give her some time, she will tell the truth. Even if she doesn't it's bound to come out anyway. Out here, there is nowhere to hide." I tell her.

She stares at me, a dumbfounded look on her face. Whoops, maybe I overstepped. "Or, you know, you could just stay angry at her. You don't have to take my advice. Sorry for offering it." I say. "No, your advice is excellent, actually. I'm just wondering how I forgot who you were." She replies. I laugh.

"Probably because I'm not very memorable. With Taissa always around, how could anyone remember me?" I tell her. She shakes her head. "Yes, you are." She says. I gulp. "Well, thank you, I guess," I reply. "Perhaps-" I begin but am interrupted by a shout. "Hey, guys! Look there's a reflection over there!" Lottie shouts. I follow her gaze. "Oh my god. There is no way." I say, smiling as I stand up. "What is it?" Jackie asks, standing up as well. I smile. "It's a cabin."

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