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Right, so, in my last chapter I was in such a rush to get it published that I totally forgot something. So, this is for all you thirsty bitches who love yellowjackets. Click the link below to get sent to the best and my all time favorite yellowjackets fan fiction. Honestly, its amazing. Its mind blowing how amazing the author is at capturing the complex emotions of the characters. If there was ever another yellowjackets fan fic I would recommend, it would be that one. The link is below but I'll also put the title and author below that. Seriously, you all should go read that. Its amazing. (After reading that, I rewatched yellowjackets and I was seriously expecting birdy to just pop up until I remembered she was one of the authors OC's. I'll be for real, I was so fucking upset when I realized that. XD) (FYI, the book is the one with the bloody hand on it. There is another with the same name so make sure your reading the right one.) (Also, the author writes Game of Thrones fan fic so if that's something your interested in then... yeah.)

hearing damage | YELLOWJACKETS by sansasrose

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