7. Shipman

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(I don't remember what everyone says in the plane take-off scene so I just improvised. Not currently in a position to rewatch the scene. Sorry!)

"The hell is wrong with you?"

I almost groan. I walk into the wrecked remains of the plane and sit down right as the rain starts pouring. "I'm pretty sure I made it clear I don't want to talk about it," I tell her.

She places the rifle on the floor and sits across from me. "I don't give a fuck what you said. What's wrong?" She asks again. I groan. It'll come out sooner or later. I can't talk to Danny right now. Looking at him reminds me of everything back home. Might as well talk to Shipman.

"I have ADHD and depression. I wasn't expecting our fucking plane to crash so I didn't pack enough of my medications. I officially ran out this morning. The effects have already started wearing off. By tomorrow, I'll probably seem like a completely different person." I admit.

I avoid her gaze, not wanting to see the look of judgment or pity that I usually get when people find out. "That fucking sucks, but you better suck it up because, whether you like it or not, the others look towards you as a leader." She says.

I look into her eyes and I don't look away. Shipman, huh? Who would have guessed? This definitely complicates shit. "I know. I'll keep my shit together in front of you all." I tell her.

She nods. I can see her hesitate to say something until, ultimately, she decides against it. "So, any guys you have a crush on back home?" I ask, wanting to move on to a different, lighter subject.

"I heard a rumor going around that Randy Walsh has a thing for you." I continue. She laughs and shakes her head. "No, I don't have a crush on anyone back home." She replies.

"That's good," I say, laughing. She looks me directly in the eye, not looking away or blinking. "Why?" She asks, her tone completely serious. Whoops. "I just mean that, if you did have a crush back home, I'd be very disappointed in your standards. No offense to the guys, but, none of them are exactly good-looking. None of them have personalities either. They're all just the living incarnations of teen angst and the patriarchy." I say.

She nods after a moment and then sighs. "What's wrong, Shipman?" I ask. She shakes her head. "It's nothing." She replies. I frown slightly. "Alright," I say. A few moments of silence pass.

"If you could go back 24 hours before the crash, what would you do? Keep in mind, you can't warn anyone and you have to be on the plane when it crashes." I ask. She laughs. "Okay, uhm......" She replies, thinking. "Alright. I think I would probably- hm. Well, I would definitely add a bunch of books, batteries, and stuff to my luggage. Then... I would go to a party, buy drugs from Nat's friends, and get wasted." She tells me, laughing.

I shake my head and smile. "What about you, Andi? What would you do?" She asks, staring at me intently. "Well, before we left I caught my now ex cheating on me so I would end things before it got to that point. At least it would end the way I wanted, you know? I'd also pack a shit-ton more medical supplies. Oh! I would also tell my dad how much I love him." I reply.

She nods. "Sounds a lot more reasonable." She comments and we both laugh. I sigh. Can't stay here forever. "Alright, we better head back," I say. I grab the gun and stand. I'm out of the plane and about twenty feet away from it when I hear Shipman.

"Stop." She says. Damnit, it's raining. What's going on? I turn around and before I can even process what is happening, Shauna's lips crash against mine in a kiss. Holy fuck! Slowly, my mouth starts moving on its own, crashing against hers with the same force she used. I feel something slip from my hands but don't process it until it's too late. I loud boom rings out.

"Fuck!" Shauna shouts, spinning around in a panic. "Damnit! Maybe you should hold the gun." I tell her. I bend down and pick it up, handing it to her. I immediately start speedwalking in the direction of the cabin. What was that back there? Why did she kiss me? Why did I kiss her? What the fuck! I need to collect my thoughts. Until then, operation avoid Shipman activated.

I quickly arrive back at the cabin and I immediately head back inside. Shipman decided to stay at the crash site. "Stormer, can we talk?" I look up to find Van staring at me. "Sure, what's up?" I ask.

My eyes scan the cabin and I notice that it's surprisingly empty, with only Van and I being the only occupants. "Look, the others didn't want me to say anything because, after yesterday, they weren't sure if you were gonna do something rash, but they all went to the plane they found. Laura Lee is gonna try to fly it." She tells me.

My eyes widen. "They inspected it first, right?" I ask. She shrugs her shoulders. "I'm in no condition to be making that trek so I have no idea." She replies. I sigh.

"Okay. I'm gonna head down there and watch the take-off. Are you okay staying here alone?" I ask. She nods. "Yeah, I'm good." She replies. I nod. "Okay." I turn to leave but pause at the doorway. "Be sure you get plenty of rest, okay? You don't want to get another infection." I tell her.

I walk in the direction the others had come from before and, after an hour of walking, I stumble upon a small clearing. "Did you guys inspect it first?" I ask, coming up behind the group huddled up in front of the plane.

Their heads all whip towards me. I spot Lottie in the group and notice a bandage on her forehead and dark circles under her eyes. What happened to her? Did I miss something? This is what I get for sleeping in the woods last night.

"Is there something we can help you with?" Laura Lee asks, a bright smile on her face. I look around and notice everyone is tensed up like they're ready for a fight or something. I laugh. "No, I'm just here to watch the takeoff. You guys inspected it first and made sure everything works, right?" I reply.

The tension dissipates and Laura Lee gives me a sheepish look. "We started it up yesterday and it ran fine," Taissa replies in her stead. I nod. "Okay. When is she leaving?" I ask Taissa. "Right now," Taissa replies. I nod. "Okay," I say.

I take a few steps back, the others following my lead. Taissa is about to step aside when Laura whispers something in her ear. Taissa nods her head and then steps back. Laura Lee takes a deep breath and then slides into the seat. She gives her teddy bear a pat on the head and smiles. She starts the engine.

My eyes widen. So it really runs, huh? This is making even less sense than before. If the plane runs, why did that guy never leave? Was someone keeping him here? Is there someone else on the island? Endless possibilities flood my thoughts as I watch the plane take off above the lake.

Guess I was worried for noth- my train of thought is interrupted by the sight of smoke. "Oh god..." I mutter. I hear gasps sound off behind me. "Jump!" Taissa shouts. We both know Laura Lee is too far to hear it. There is a huge boom as the plane explodes mid-air. I hear a scream and then lots of crying behind me. I don't look back, watching the remnants of the plane, of Laura Lee, disappear into the lake.

I know it's a short chapter but I wanted to get something out there for all you addicts. Also, starting from the next chapter onwards things and events will start diverting away from the original story. I might decide to keep some things, but I can't confirm anything right now. Also, sorry this chapter took so long. I've been swamped with getting other stories prepped and edited for release on here. When they do release, you all should totally go read them! Thanks for reading!

Also, I only have like 7 chapters and an update published so why does it say ten things are published? Can you guys tell me if a chapter somehow got published twice or something?

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