4. Kiss

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"Hey, Taissa, we need to talk," I say. The others walk around us to check out the inside of the cabin. She sighs. "What do you want, Andi?" She asks, clearly annoyed. "I'm an asshole. I'm sorry about what I did at the party. It wasn't cool. We're out here now and we don't know for how long so I think it would be best to sort through our shit. The others shouldn't have to deal with our issues." I tell her. She nods.

"Do you know what I did when my dad told me he wasn't my dad?" She asks after a moment of silence. "What?" I ask softly. She takes a deep breath. "I cried. I haven't cried since I was three, but I cried. You don't understand what it's like to be raised by one of the most wonderful people you've ever met only to learn they aren't actually your father." She says.

"When that happens, you can't help but think, 'What if?' What if my dad hadn't been sterile? What if he isn't able to love me as much because I'm not really his daughter? What if-" She says but I cut her off. "What if. Taissa, if we spent every day thinking about the what-ifs, we would drown in it. We wouldn't be able to really live." I tell her. I sigh.

"I'll be honest, Taissa. I was surprised and angry when I found out you were my half-sister. But, when I finished working through those emotions, I was happy. Taissa, even when we were kids, you were always the strongest person I'd ever met. Determined too. You do whatever it takes to win and you treat those closest to you like family. Taissa, I'm glad we're related." I tell her. I walk inside.

After dropping a bombshell like that, it's best to leave someone to their thoughts so they can process it. Everything I told her is true. I hope we can get on good terms. I want to get to know my half-sister better. I don't have time to look around because I hear something. "See, this is why we should have stayed on the plane!" Jackie shouts. I go over and see a can of something on the ground. The stuff that came out is green and reeks like a dump truck.

"Yeah, well, we didn't," Van tells her. "So this is helping how exactly?" She asks. Jackie shakes her head. "This is a fucking nightmare," Jackie says before storming outside. "I'll check on her. You guys keep looking around." I tell them. Shauna seems a little irritated but I ignore it. "Hey," I say, sitting beside her on the porch. "Look, I am not in the mood Andi." She says. I smile. "We're in the middle of nowhere. I don't think anyone's in the mood." I tell her.

She laughs despite the tears. "What's wrong, Jackie?" I ask her. She sighs. "I don't know how to adapt to this like you guys have. I just- I don't know what to do." She says. Suddenly, she starts sobbing. I turn to face her and put my hands on her shoulders. "Hey, hey. Look at me. Okay? Look at me. Just breathe." I tell her. She starts taking big, shaky breaths, looking me in the eyes.

"I won't tell you everything will be okay because, well, it might not be and I don't want to lie to you. I will say this though. Jackie, even when we were kids, you have always been a leader. You are strong, no matter what you are up against. You are resilient and you always think of everyone else. You-" I say but I am cut off.

Jackie's lips capture mine in her own. I don't kiss her back, but I don't pull away either. After a moment, her lips leave mine and she runs back into the cabin, leaving me sitting there alone and shocked. What the actual fuck just happened? I take a moment to catch my bearings. Did Jackie Taylor, the straight girl with the perfect boyfriend everyone thinks she's gonna marry, just kiss me and run off? Fuck. I stand up and head inside. I spot Jackie but she won't meet my gaze so I avoid her.

I look over and see Van on her tippy toes in the small ass pantry trying to grab the cans off the top shelf. I reach up past her and grab the cans. At least my height is useful for something. "Doctors orders, remember?" I tell her, leaning against the doorway with the cans in my hands. Van smiles. "Yeah, well, last time I checked you aren't actually a doctor, Stormer." She tells me, her arms crossed. "Tell that to your leg. I bet it'd have a different opinion." I tell her. She laughs.

"Van, could you please just-" I start but stop when she grabs the shelf and winces in pain. "What's wrong?" I ask immediately, setting the cans aside. Van looks away, avoiding my gaze. "My leg has been hurting since earlier." She tells me. I immediately get down on one knee and lift her pant leg up. The stench hits my nose immediately. "Fuck, Van," I say. I stand up and before Van can question me, I lift her up into my arms bridal style. "Hey! Someone clear off the table!" I shout.

Taissa immediately dumps everything on the table onto the floor. "Taissa, go get Misty, now! Laura Lee, bring me my bag!" I shout. I set Van on the table. "What's going on, Andi?" She asks, the worry in her voice clear. "Your leg wound is infected. Severely. If I don't take care of this now, I'm gonna have to take the leg off." I say. Van starts tearing up. I grab her face. "Van, look at me. I will do everything in my power to make sure you keep your leg, okay? But I need you to stay calm and do everything I tell you to do. Got it?" I tell her. She nods. "Good," I say. "Here!" Misty says, handing me my bag. I set the bag on the kitchen counter next to me.

"Misty, here." I give her a pair of scissors. "Cut her pant leg off from the knee down and then take the bandages off," I tell her. She nods and gets working. As Misty does this, I turn to everyone in the cabin. "I need everyone to leave. No matter what you hear, do not step foot in this cabin until I come out and give the all-clear! Is that understood?" I shout. Everyone nods and exits the cabin until it's just, me, Misty, and Van. I hand Misty a flashlight and she points it at the wound. I put gloves on and examine the wound. I wince at how bad it looks.

"Misty, take a look. What do you see?" I ask her. "The wound is very... liquidy? It's really red and swollen. Also, it looks a lot worse than it did yesterday." She says. I nod. "Good. What does this all mean?" I ask. "It's severely infected and needs to be treated immediately." She replies. I nod. "Good. Considering how bad the infection is, what is our only option?" I ask. She gulps. "To surgically clean out the infection." She tells me. I nod. "Wait, what? What do you mean by surgically?" Van says, freaking out. "Van," I say. "If you want, I will allow one other person in here to hold your hand," I tell her. She nods.

"Taissa. Bring me Taissa." She says. I nod. "Misty, get Taissa," I tell her. She nods. "Van, I'll inject something to give you some pain relief but it won't numb you. Whatever you do, try to stay still, okay?" I tell her. She takes a deep breath and nods. The door bursts open and Taissa rushes in. She takes Van's hand in hers. "Alright. Let's do this." I say. I grab a 30 gauge needle and inject the medication directly into the wound. Van screams in pain but, thankfully, doesn't move too much.

I continue injecting some of the medicine in the areas surrounding the wound as well. Finally, the injections are done. "You're doing great Van. Stay strong, okay?" I say. I grab the scalpel and Misty pours alcohol on it. "Let's begin."


"How is she? Is she okay?" Laura Lee asks. I nod. "She's going to be fine. Right now, though, she needs to recover. That means I want you all to leave her alone. For the next week, don't ask her to do anything demanding that will result in her stressing out. If any of you do, well, a scalpel can be used for worse things than helping someone." I say. Everyone heads inside, undoubtedly heading to bed. The sun has long since set.

"Jackie, can I talk to you?" I ask. Jackie seems hesitant but nods her head. We walk around to the side of the house. "Why'd you kiss me?" I ask, cutting straight to the chase. She looks anywhere but at me as she shuffles her feet nervously. After a moment, she sighs. I kissed you because I like you. However, I know you don't feel the same because you didn't kiss me back. So, I'm sorry. Let's pretend the kiss didn't happen and be friends. Please?" She explains.

I nod with a smile and hold out my hand. "Alright, friends then," I say. She smiles and shakes my hand. "You should head inside. I need a minute." I tell her. She nods and heads back into the cabin. I wait a moment after she leaves then collapse onto the ground.

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