14. Date

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Damnit! "Shauna!" I shout. "Shauna-" I shout again until I run into something. "Oh, Jesus fuck!" Shauna shouts as I fall on top of her. "Urgh!" I groan. I wince. "What the hell is wrong with you?" Shauna asks, rubbing her head. "You shouldn't be out here alone," I reply. I stand up. "Whatever. Wait, did you run here? How did you catch up to me?" Shauna asks, confused. 

"Yeah, I ran," I reply. "There are still wolves out here. You could get yourself killed. We should-" I'm saying when she cuts me off. "I was joking. You actually ran here? On your ankle?! Are you trying to get yourself hurt!?" She shouts. "Yes, I actually ran here! I just got attacked by a pack of wolves! There are more out here! What if something happens to you because you are too damn thoughtless that you don't think before you do!" I shout right back. 

"You're a fucking masochist! First, you run with Van in your arms back to the cabin, now you run out here to "rescue" me! Newsflash, Andi! I can take care of myself!" She shouts back. "No, you can't! You'll get yourself killed out here! Damn you, Shauna! Believe it or not, someone actually gives a shit about you! So instead of arguing, can we please just walk back to the cabin before we get torn apart by wolves!?" I shout, my breathing heavy. 

After a beat, her lips crash against mine. I move my lips against hers, matching her ferocity. "Mhm." She moans against me. I put my hands on her waist. She backs me up until my back hits a tree. We pull apart for a second, our breathing heavy. The moment we catch our breaths, our lips connect again, as if attracted to each other by some magnetic force. "Ah!" A scream sounds throughout the forest. We break apart immediately. "Was that-" Shauna begins. "Van." I breath. 

We glance at each other and take off running through the forest. Shauna looks pissed that I'm running on my ankle again but doesn't say anything. We run straight into the cabin. "Damnit, Misty! Do something!" Taissa shouts. Misty tries to hold Van down as she tries to tear the bandages on her face and shoulder off. 

"Andi, help!" Misty shouts. "Shauna, help Misty hold Van down!" I shout over Van's screams. I rush over to my luggage. She's delirious from the pain. I'll give her some sleeping medication to put her to sleep. She should heal up at least a little bit more before she is up and moving. I grab a syringe and insert it into a vial of clear liquid. I rush over to Van. "Hold steady!" I shout. I carefully inject the syringe and insert the liquid into a vein in Van's arm. 

I put a bandage over the injection spot and start rubbing the spit. After a minute, Van's screams become quieter and quieter until, eventually, her screams are replaced by soft snoring. I put my supplies away. "Everyone, get some sleep. I'll watch Van." I say. Everyone does as I say except for Taissa. She hesitates for a moment but eventually complies. This is gonna be a long night.

***The next morning...***

"Good morning, Andi," Taissa says. I nod at her. "Morning," I reply. I yawn. "Tired?" She asks. I nod again. "I feel like I could drop dead," I say. She laughs. "How about I take over? You can get a little sleep in." She suggests. I hesitate for a moment before agreeing. I nod my head. I'd rather watch over Van, but at the rate I'm going, I'm going to delay my healing by not giving my body the proper rest it needs to rejuvenate. I go over and lay on some blankets on the floor. The moment my head hits the pillow, I fall asleep.

***A few hours later...***

I yawn as I rub the sleep from my eyes. I look over and see Taissa is still watching Van. I could use more sleep, but I don't want to ruin my sleep schedule. I stand up and stretch. "Ugh." I groan as my back pops. I yawn again. I walk out of the cabin and see that most of the girls are back to doing their self-assigned jobs. "Hey!" Shauna shouts, smiling as she jogs up to me. "Hey," I say, smiling. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10 ⏰

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