2. Crash Landing

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"Ugh." I groan.

My eyes open and I almost wish they hadn't.

Blood, fire, and screams are everywhere.

I look next to me and don't see Danny.

I groan once more.

I yank my jammed seatbelt off and stumble into the aisle.

I look down and find my pants and my shirt soaked in blood.

I feel blood dripping down my face.

"Help! Help!" I hear someone shout.

I look over to see Shauna trying to help Van until Jackie pulls her away and out of the plane.

I stumble towards Van.

Her seat is pushed forward and she can't escape. The fire rages behind her, slowly creeping closer.

We probably only have a few minutes before it blows.

I reach into my pocket and find the pocket knife I always keep with me. "Get ready! I'm going to cut the seatbelt!" I shout over the screams.

"Okay!" Van shouts back.

I saw through her seatbelt and it snaps. She falls against the seat she is trapped against and I pull her out.

"Shit!" She cries, crumpling to the ground while holding her leg.

I look down and see there is a piece of sheet metal sticking out of her calf. "Fuck!" I mutter.

I help Van stand up and put one arm around me so I can support her. We stumble out of the plane and I set Van against a tree.

I look around.

Finally, I spot Danny lying against a tree, blood on his forehead and his eyes shut.

I sigh of relief. His chest is moving so he's alive. He probably took a blow to the head. He's most likely just passed out. He'll have a concussion when he wakes up but, otherwise, he should be fine.

The plane explodes behind me, which only makes the ringing in my ears worse.

"Coach!" I hear someone scream.

I look over to see Coach Scott with his leg trapped under a huge piece of debris.

"Get it off!" Coach shouts.

A bunch of girls come together and lift it off, revealing coach has half his leg gone.

Someone runs off to puke.

"Shit! His leg!" Someone screams.

I rush over and cut his pant leg off so I can get a good look at this wound.

Shit, it isn't a clean-cut. I was probably smashed and then ripped off when the plane crashed. Even if we were in the best hospital in the world, no one would be able to fix his leg. We have to cut it off and cauterize the wound to stop the bleeding.

I stumble inside the plane, ignoring the pain in my leg, and open the jammed luggage compartment where my bag is. I drag it outside and open it up, revealing a plethora of medical supplies I had brought with me.

"Does anyone have anything big and sharp?" I shout, but no one is paying attention.

"Here!" A girl shouts, bringing me an axe.

Not perfect, but it will work. He has lost enough blood so I can't take my time with this to preserve his veins and arteries. I have to get this done and over with or he'll die.

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