The City

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**SF is a lot smaller in this, but still bigger than Corona

Hiro was half awake, shifting on the cold grass to get out of the sunlight. He sighed in content when a shadow passed over him.

Baymax was filled with anger. He glared down at the thief, his vision red. "I finally found you," he said, irritation sparking in mostly monotone voice.

Hiro opened his eyes sleepily, not fully recognizing what glared down at him. Drowsily, he slurred, "Well, I hope you're here to apologize."

That was the last straw. Baymax grabbed Hiro by the boot and stomped away from the clearing. Hiro screamed in surprise, startling Mochi and (Y/N) awake. Mochi screeched and jumped up high.

"No no no! Put me down! Put me down! Stop it!" Hiro cried, clawing at the ground. Baymax continued to stomp away.

(Y/N) pushed herself up and stumbled to him, grabbing onto his hands, and dug her feet into the dirt.

"Ow ow ow!" Hiro screamed as his body was being stretched.

Baymax immediately let go and (Y/N) and Hiro flew to the ground. Hiro was on top of her, his hands on either side of her head to hold him up and avoid squishing (Y/N). She moaned in pain, propping herself up on one elbow to rub her head. "Oww..."

Hiro's heartbeat stopped when (Y/N) did this. She stopped breathing when her eyes fluttered open.

Their faces were barely an inch away, and they could feel each other's breath. Their eyes locked before Hiro cleared his throat and rolled off of her. "Sorry, sorry," he muttered, running his hand through his hair.

She looked away from him when her eyes landed on something large and white. Looking up, she saw a huge marshmallow. "Oh my gosh!" she gasped, leaping up to her feet. The world spun beneath her and Baymax caught her.

"Hello, I am Baymax, your personal healthcare companion. I was alerted to the need of medical attention when you said 'ow.' Is everything alright?"

(Y/N), Mochi, and Hiro gaped up at the robot.

Mochi backed up a bit.

Hiro pointed at it. "Are youis heplease don't tell me"

Baymax's head followed the voice and focused on Hiro. Immediately, he changed shape. Red pieces appeared out of nowhere and connected on his body, forming a red armor. He gently put (Y/N) off to the side and advanced towards Hiro. Hiro shrank back into the ground. Baymax held out his arm. "You have been a bad boy. You have destroyed my wings and stolen the lost princess' items. You are under arrest for stealing and many other crimes you have committed. Contacting the royal palace right now."

"NO!" (Y/N) cried and jumped in front of Hiro. "Please don't!"

"I have contacted the guards and sent us our coordinates. You will stay here until they come get you."

Mochi climbed up on (Y/N)'s head.

The armor quickly disappeared and the marshmallow was back. He picked up Mochi and began petting it. "Hairy baby!" he said, stroking Mochi's fur.

Taking this opportunity, Hiro plucked Mochi out of Baymax's arm, pushed (Y/N) around, and pushed them away. "Run!"

The red armor formed again and Baymax ran towards them. (Y/N) turned away from Hiro and positioned herself in front of Baymax. "Please listen to me!" Baymax continued to pursue. He didn't stop until Mochi appeared again. The armor retracted and he reached out to hold the cat.

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