Alternate (Bonus??) Ending

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** It'll make a little more sense if you go read It's Like You & Me Against the World. That is, if you haven't.

this is also really bad... so idk

The stadium erupted into loud cheering and whooping.

(Y/N) and Hiro beamed into the crowd, after they parted from the kiss. Reaching out, (Y/N) caught his hand and gripped it. They shared a brief smile before Hiro lifted up their entwined hands. Both of them gave a deep bow.

The audience roared.

By then, all the other actors ran to the front of the stage, each of them getting their bows and round of applause.

The foster kids in the front clapped as hard as they can, huge smiles on their faces.

Aunt Cass grabbed a microphone and announced, "Thank you all for coming, for this is the final day of our performance! The show was a great success, and guess what?" she paused for effect, "WE REACHED OUR GOAL OF $10,000! In fact, the total amount is $11,508. THE FOSTER KIDS WILL BE ABLE TO GET A BETTER LIVING CONDITION!"

If possible, the crowd cheered even louder.

"Thank you all for coming and donating! I hope you enjoyed the show, we worked really hard on it for the kids. Thank you!" Aunt Cass concluded.

Hiro nudged (Y/N). She smiled and held onto his hand.

"We'll be out in the lobby for questions and pictures," she said. Everyone began filing out of the room. The performers rushed out of the theater and took their places. Hiro and (Y/N) stood just outside of the doors.

They were immediately swarmed with admirers. The foster kids screamed and jumped onto Hiro and (Y/N).

"You guys were amazing!"

"Thank you so much for performing for us!"

"You two are so cute!"


Hiro and (Y/N) laughed.

When the last of the audience disappeared, Aunt Cass squealed and tackled Hiro and (Y/N) into a hug. Fred, Wasabi, Gogo, Honey, and Baymax quickly followed.

"That was amazing!" Aunt Cass cried. "We reached our goal!"

"You two are the cutest Eugene and Rapunzel out there," complemented Wasabi, giving the couple both noogies.

"We should do this again sometime," Gogo requested. "Maybe Wreck-It-Ralph for a change?"

(Y/N) agreed. "Yes! You can be Vanellope and Wasabi can be Ralph!"

Fred laughed out loud. "That's perfect!"

Hiro held out a fist to Baymax. The robot bumped it.


"You were awesome out there, buddy," Hiro said.

"I like acting."

"It's pretty fun, huh?"

The group walked back to the café.

"I'm so glad we reached our goal," Honey stated. "Those kids deserve it."

Baymax finally deflated and Hiro and (Y/N) climbed onto their beds.

"Hiro?" (Y/N) asked from her side of the room. "Why did you add the extra line during the play?"

Hiro smiled up at the ceiling. "Well, why not? In case you haven't noticed, today was the day I told you that. I haven't broken that promise yet, have I? I don't plan to either."

(Y/N) shifted to look at Hiro. "Wow, you remembered that?"

"Can you believe it's been five years?"

"That was so long ago."

"But I remember that like it was yesterday."


"(Y/N)?" asked Hiro, propping himself on his elbow to look at her.

(Y/N) gave him her attention.

He smiled. "You and me against the world."

She rolled her eyes playfully. "I love you Hiro."

His smile widened. Before he lied back down, he blew her a kiss. "Love you too."


i"M SO SORRY I DIDN'T UPDATE! I went to Fresno then to LA for Universal Studios last week, and then when I wanted to update, Wattpad wasn't loading, and I was finishing MEP parts for YouTube-- SO I DIDN'T UPDATE ><

but this is a lame update too, so I'm sorry T^T


I'll be honest with you all: this didn't turn out as I imagined it. But I couldn't remember how I imagined it, so that's why it's awkwardly worded. Sorry. xD

You can say it's a sequel to It's Like You & Me Against the World? Sort of. It's just this part though. IDK, this randomly popped in my head when I was actually writing the Tangled story, and I was like: huh, this would be sorta cool. So yaaah.

I was actually thinking of not putting his in the story because it didn't come out like I wanted it too. But eh, here you go. xD

This happened a little after the epilogue of ILY&MAtW. Yah. Aunt Cass, Hiro, (Y/N), and Baymax visited a friend of Aunt Cass' that ran a foster home. Except it was crowded with kids and the friend didn't have enough money, so they were always tight on money. So (Y/N) and Hiro thought of making a play as the fundraiser. :)

Thank you for reading-- I had a lot of fun writing this xD

Vote, Comment, Follow & maybe share with other Hiro fangirls? xD

- Cici <3

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