19. Realisation

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Jungkook's POV

I sit at the bow of the canoe with Tae hyung behind me in the middle and our oarsman at the stern, staring at the waves and ripples being created on the water by our little boat. The sky reflected in the water looks clear blue and the air feels calm despite the weather service saying there could be summer showers.

At first, when I got into the canoe, I was feeling a bit scared. Because it's my first time going canoeing and although I have got the safety vest on, sitting only a foot above the water level, with waves buffeting the canoe, I never felt so small or exposed.

But surprisingly, Taehyungie hyung was more scared than me. At first when he agreed to let me sit at the bow and paddle the boat, I thought he was just being nice. But soon I realised it was just cause he is afraid of water and honestly it was so funny.

When Tae hyung tried to step in, the canoe started to rock back and forth and the oarsman and me together had to help him into the middle. And he was still looking so scared when we started paddling. But now he has calmed down I guess. I can't see his face as he is sitting behind me

Anyway, I'm totally enjoying this ride. I feel just so overwhelmed by the peace and serenity of the river and the surrounding forest. The only sounds we can hear are the sound of the wind rustling through the trees, the birds chirping overhead and the sounds of the paddles pushing through the water.

"Jungkookie, look there, on your left.." Tae hyung whispers behind me. I turn my face to see a family of birds gently gliding along the water in the distance. I tilt my face a little and see Tae Tae smiling at the birds. "Are they ducks?" He asks the oarsman.

"Yeah, they are mallards. A kind of wild duck," the man replies. He then begins talking about other water birds and fishes commonly seen on the river. Suddenly he stops paddling and I turn around to see him and Tae hyung both staring at the bank, Tae Tae's mouth an amused 'O'.

I look at where they were looking and soon notice a moose and her calf calmly watching us on the bank. They keep staring at us, lifting their heads from the marsh grasses and we watch them for some time before we start paddling again.

Suddenly something drops into the water near our canoe, making Tae hyung flinch and move back, causing the canoe to tilt to one side. "It's just an osprey. Don't worry," the oarsman says.

But then Tae hyung loudly squeals "Kookie, watch out!!" Suddenly a huge eagle-like bird takes off from the water beside me with a massive trout twisting within its talons. I almost jump and cause the canoe to rock back and forth while Tae hyung literally tremble behind me in fear. I really thought we were about to flip into the water. Thankfully, that doesn't happen and our canoe soon becomes steady making Tae hyung let out a relieved sigh.

"Your girlfriend's name is Kookie?" The oarsman asks.

"Uhm..that's her nick name," Tae hyung replies.

"Nick name given by you?" He chuckles. "Anyway, you got a brave girl."

"Uhm..actually..she is.." Tae hyung starts but then pauses as if deciding to just let the oarsman assume whatever.

But strangely I feel my face heat up all of a sudden. And I'm once again reminded of what happened earlier. I can't believe, I started blushing seeing him shirtless. I mean, he's a guy, one with a nice body tho. But still, why'd I get all shy and blush all over, seeing him like that?

And then earlier today, why did my heart start pounding rapidly on looking into his eyes? His eyes are sure attractive. But still, why did I react like that? Lately, I'm behaving strangely.

"Hey..look at this!"

I tilt my head slowly to see Tae hyung swinging his arm in the water, a beautiful grin sitting on his handsome face. I look at the water and see a lot of small fish twirling around his fingers. I couldn't help but utter a 'woah!' and immediately drop my hand into the water. Soon enough, tiny fishes surround my fingers, tickling my palm, making me laugh. Tae hyung giggles behind me as the fish bite at his palm and I can't resist turning around and watching him laugh. He is just so handsome and adorable, even the oarsman grins staring at him.

"You wanna feed them?" The man asks him

"Yeah! Can I? Have we got something?" He asks, a bit too excitedly. The Oarsman points to a little rusty tin, lying just near his feet. Bending down slowly, Tae hyung grabs it and carefully open it. Inside it was tiny red and green fish feed.

Smiling at the oarsman, he grabs a fistful of the feed and slowly drop it little by little into the water, laughing as small fish come around to swallow it in a frenzy. "You wanna feed the fish too, Kookie," he asks looking up and grinning at me. I feel dazed as he pass me the tin whilst smiling broadly. I grab it and quickly turn around, taking a little of the feed.

Gosh! Why he has to smile that beautifully at me? He is melting my heart with his smile. Ara really is so lucky!

I find myself smiling widely, looking at the hungry little guys who come around to eat the feed. At last, I drop my hand back into the water and let the fish nibble the remaining feed from my palm. I giggle as they start tickling me again.

For some reason, I tilt my face and glance at Tae hyung, only to catch him staring at me with a gentle smile on his face. He immediately looks away and I also turn around, feeling my heart starting to pound again fast. Confused, I grab a little of the feed and drop my hand into the water.

"Bunny, you know what.." Tae hyung suddenly whispers, making my heart skip a beat. "Make sure you don't lose your hand. I heard there are alligators here."

"What!" I squeal, instantly taking my hand out of the water, causing hyung to laugh again. The oarsman also grins from the bow. I look at him, nervously. "Are there really Alligators here?"

"Yeah.." he nods. "But they don't usually come near our canoes."

Leaving a sigh, I quickly begin to paddle again, feeling chills in my body. Tae Tae was still giggling behind me, but I resist myself from looking at him again.

After a minute, I instinctively look up and see the osprey from earlier, soaring high up in the sky on bowed wings. As I paddle the boat whilst staring up at the wonderful sight of the bird gliding expertly in circles above us, our oarsman says we are about to reach the shores. But I don't want to reach yet!

I look at the riverbanks lined with green grasses, gently swaying in the breeze. Soon our Oarsman pulls the canoe onto the shore, making sure it is wedged securely. He climbs out first and then helps Taehyungie hyung out of the canoe.

And then the canoe dips on my end. I slowly get up from the crossbars and the canoe starts rocking vigorously. In slight fear, I stretch my hands out for help. Then to my utter surprise, Tae hyung picks me up from the canoe, holding me securely against his chest. Although I'm shocked, I quickly wrap my hands around his shoulder, fearing he'll drop me. But soon he safely places me down on the ground.

I unwrap my hands from his neck and our eyes lock with each other. He stares deep into my eyes as if he is trying to communicate something to me. I stare back into his deep brown orbs, my heart racing.

At that moment, I realise nothing will ever be the same again. I feel it all in a split second. I feel like something inside of me has suddenly changed at its very core, and I'll never be the same again. It makes my knees weak and my whole body tremble.

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