23. Meeting again

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Taehyung's POV

"Oh wow! This is great!" I utter looking at my phone screen.

"What is great?" Jimin asks and peeks at my phone. "Manga?? When did you start reading Manga?"

"I read it sometimes," I say.

"Wow! Taehyung-ah, are you smiling? Why are you so happy suddenly?" He laughs, swallowing the food in his mouth.

"My favourite artist announced their new manga! The first chapter will be released next Friday!" I can't help the enthusiasm in my words and Jimin stares at me with a frown creasing his features.

"What?" I ask, starting to munch on my sandwich.

"You get this happy over a manga?" He asks.

"Cause it's cookies, my favourite artist," I mumble.

"Cookies?? That's their name? You know them personally?"


"Really?" He looks at me suspiciously. "You were looking so down until now and suddenly you cheered up. Something's fishy."

I leave a dramatic sigh and take a sip of my coffee, ignoring him.

I'm so happy Jungkook's first manga is going to be released soon. And that means, he actually got the tablet. So, Yejun kept his word. I thought he was a complete jerk.

By the way, we have a friendly match with Shinhwa High tomorrow at their school. I wonder if Jungkook would come to see Yejun's match. He probably won't come if he knows we are the opponents.

Anyway, I need to win this match. I'm the captain and if we lose, coach will be so disappointed in me. Today he scolded me a lot for getting distracted during practice.

"Hey, what are you thinking?" Jimin asks.

"Nothing," I shrug my shoulder.

"I need a new sneakers. I'm gonna go to Champs to buy one. Are you coming?"

"I need to go to the bookstore. The new volume of Daredevil came out last day." I finished reading Jungkook's last comic 'Double Trouble' and now I need something new to distract myself.

"Then let's go there together after buying my sneakers," he says.

So, after finishing breakfast, we both go to Champs to buy Jimin new sneakers. It's a task choosing shoes for him. He'd want all the sneakers there on the shelves and wouldn't know which one he himself likes best.

"Look, should I choose this one or this one?" He asks, holding two pairs of sneakers in his hands, after half an hour of trying various pairs.

"Both are great. Just take one," I say, already starting to lose my patience.

"C'mon..which is better?" He groans.

"Left one," I say suppressing myself from rolling my eyes.

"This??" He frowns looking at the shoes in his left hand. "But I liked this one better," he raises the sneakers in his right hand. This time I couldn't help myself from gritting my teeth at him. "Okay, okay, don't get mad. I'll take the left one," he says letting out a chuckle.

I snatch the pair from his right hand and give it to the salesman, asking him to pack it. Jimin quickly protests. "But if you liked the left.."

"Shut up!" I cut him off and walk to the cashier. He follows me and quickly pays for the shoes. Soon we get it and finally get out of the shop.

"Tae, you have no patience these days," Jimin complains while we walk towards his car. I don't say anything and hop into the passenger seat. He hops in beside me and starts the car. "Which bookstore?"

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