17. Snake

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Jungkook's POV

"Now, everyone, listen carefully.." Mr Park clears his throat after making us stand in a circle around him, just after we hop out of the bus. "For the last two days, you know, we were just roaming about in the forest edge and not the actual dense forest," he commences. "But today, listen, guys, we are going to go a little deep and so there's a high chance that we meet a few wild fellows along our way, I mean even a bear or a woolf."

That arouses a lot of shrieks and squeals from the people around.

"I know it all sounds exciting to you. But it's also equally dangerous," he continues. "So, what I'm trying to say is, be cautious and behave properly in the forest. Don't try to provoke any animals, especially monkeys. And also be cautious of snakes. I'm sure we'll be encountering a lot of narrow fellows in the grass today." That earns a lot of gasps from the girls.

"No need to be scared. You're all wearing boots. You won't get bitten unless you pick up a snake from the ground and try to pet it," Miss Choi says nonchalantly.

"And one more thing.." Mr Park continues. "Please don't take any heavy bags or stuff with you. We have a long way to walk. But make sure you've taken the water bottles and the breakfast and lunch parcels we provided earlier."

"Mine's with you, right?" I ask Tae. He nods to me, patting his backpack. I had taken no bag and just my phone with me.

"And I hope you don't need to be especially told to always stay in the group. If you lose your way, you'll be lost and that's all," Mr Park says, erupting another series of groans and whispers. "If everything is clear, let's start without any further delay."

"Yeah! Let's go!" Some guy shouts and whistles. More whistles and claps erupt following him.

"Gosh! Have you guys understood nothing? I told you not to whistle or make noise while you are inside the forest!" Mr Park scolds, beginning another round of lecture. It goes on for some time and finally, he finishes with a sigh before letting the forest officers guide us inside.

"Hey, hold my hands," Tae hyung says stretching his hand as we start to move. I chuckle and take his hands. Apparently, Ara told him not to follow her today and give her time to think alone peacefully. That's why he is again with me.

But I wonder why she is doing that. Is this actually her trick to get rid of him from near her? Is she going to break his heart later? I hope she's not.

Anyway, so I can have his company again today. I feel so comfortable when I'm with him. I mean, if he's near, then there's nothing to fear. He'll take care of everything. He's almost like my bodyguard.

"Hey, let's take a selfie. I love your outfit today," he says and opens the camera on his phone. But I quickly stop him.

"Do we have to?"

"I promise I'll keep it in my secret folder and never show it to anyone," he says and looks at me expectantly.

"Hmm..okay," I nod.

He instantly wraps his hands around my shoulder and pulls me closer to him. "Smile!" He says whilst posing for the selfie.

"Jungkookie, your bunny teeth aren't visible clearly. Smile more!" He says after clicking a few pics. I nod and comply, copying his wide smile.

"Now, turn around, let's click a pic from this side."

"Oh, enough Taehyung shi! If we keep standing here like this, they'll all walk away and we'll be lost," I sigh at last and start to walk as he doesn't stop clicking pics from various angles and directions.

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