30. Naive

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Jungkook's POV

In the soft glow of my sunlit room on Sunday afternoon, I lie on my bed with pillows surrounding me, my gaze fixed upon the hands of the brown clock on the opposite wall above the windows, their graceful movement echoing the rhythm of time itself.

As minutes slip away, my eyes trace the delicate unending springs of the thin bewitching second hand, the movement both mesmerizing and tantalizing. The minute hand deliberately continues its journey towards 12, the hour hand impatient to touch 3, silently asking help from its two friends to push it forward. But then soon it will leave 3 and go to 4, then to 5 and 6 and 7. What a Casanova!

I wonder if Tae hyung lost interest already. He said he'd definitely come today, but didn't come yet.

Maybe he finally realised this is just too foolish and he is simply wasting his time. Maybe he decided to find someone else. If so, good!

But can't he just be my friend?

It was nice spending time with him. The last two days were great. Although I wasn't feeling very well physically, I was so happy, I realised it only today. Now my fever and cough are almost gone but I feel so sad and bored without him.

Maybe it's just that something suddenly came up and he got busy. But why can't he just call or text me? Oh, wait! I didn't check my phone after he called me yesterday night!

I quickly grab my phone from the bedside table and to my surprise, it is switched off. It's then I realised I didn't charge it for two days. I immediately crawl out of the bed and put it on the charger at my desk. Then I switch it on only for it to start vibrating and ringing continuously as notifications hit it one after the other.

To my utter shock, there are 7 missed WhatsApp calls from Tae hyung and also a few texts from him. I quickly open his messages.

Jungkookie, are you alright?
Why is your phone switched off?
I called you so many times.

Next were two voice messages, one sent at 9:30 Am and the other sent just half an hour ago. I play the first one to hear Tae hyung's deep voice.

"I'm so sorry, bunny. My mother's sister and kids suddenly showed up this morning. They'll only leave in the evening and I can't get out of here. So, I can't come to see you today. But I'll definitely come tomorrow. And please text me as soon as you see my message."

Chuckling, I play the second voice message, only to hear a more concerned and worried Tae hyung.

"Jungkook-ah, are you okay? I really want to come check up on you but my Mom wouldn't let me go out. I'm feeling so sad, I can't even hear your voice. I called you like 20 times. Why is your phone switched off for so long? Please just switch it on and call me. I'm here waiting for your call."

Gosh! I simply misconceived things. He isn't moving on anytime soon. But I wonder what is so nice about me that he is this obsessed with me?

Sitting down on the desk chair, I go to my phone contacts and dial Tae hyung's number from the recent call list. Yesterday night he called me and talked for almost half an hour. He picks up the call on the third ring and utters an anxious 'hello'

"Hey hyung, I forgot to charge my phone and it ran out of battery."

"I thought so! Why are you so ignorant about such things, bunny?"

"Er..I'm sorry. I didn't feel like checking it. Nothing important comes on it, anyway," I reply nonchalantly. "I saw your message just now. Thank God, your cousins came, otherwise you'd be here again today. And why were you apologising? I already told you not to come today. I'm only glad you didn't come."

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