32. That wasn't enough!

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Jungkook's POV

"Did you do it again as a one-time thing?"

Tae hyung asks, staring at my mouth as I chew down the food, my lips shivering and face twitching in nervousness.

"I don't know," I reply and lean forward to take another bite of the burger. But he quickly pulls his hand away.

I look down at my lap, too nervous to look at his face. "I just wanted to thank you for making me lunch."

He places the burger back on the plate. "So, that's how you say thanks, bunny?" He asks. I don't look up. "Hmm...but that wasn't enough."


The next moment, two strong arms grab my shaking knees and spread them wide before I feel his warm lips on mine, his body press against me and his hands cup my face. "That wasn't even barely enough, Kookie," he feeds huskily into my mouth before starting to devour my lips.

I can't make myself to pull away as an intense desire washes over me with his every passionate peck. I wrap a hand around his shoulder and close my eyes, melting into the kiss. His lips, like powerful magnets, clasp my bottom lip and smoothly glide in rhythm, igniting fire in my stomach. An intoxicating warmth fills me all over as his warm fingertips caress my cheeks while his ravenous lips consume me, fervidly.

I move my lips slightly and he instantly stops kissing me. But then the next second, he nibbles roughly on my bottom lip, causing me to whine. "Open," he whispers against my lips and I gasp and whimper as I feel another sting on my ear lobe, caused by his two fingers pinching me hard. Taking the chance, he pushes his tongue into my mouth, exploring and savouring every inch of my cavern. His tongue caresses and dances against mine as his fingers softly rub my ear, soothing away the pain.

The heat between us intensifies with every passing second as our lips move against each other in perfect harmony. Every touch, every brush of his lips sends shivers down my spine. He pulls himself even closer and our bodies press against each other, causing both of our hearts to race in sync, our breaths becoming shallow and quick, as the intensity builds.

At last, when he pulls away, I'm left breathless. I feel my cheeks and ears hot as I stare at his flushed face and his brown eyes sparkling with a newfound intensity.

"Now you've properly thanked me," he smiles. "Are we still friends?"

I look down at the floor, my heart still pounding wild and my breath uneven. "I don't know, hyung."

"It's okay. I can understand," he cups my face again and raises my chin, staring into my eyes with a gentle smile on his lips which melts my heart. "Jungkookie, I'm happy as long as I can just stay by your side. We don't really need to label our relationship to be beside each other. And I promise, I'm not going to force you to do anything. So, don't worry, bunny. Just please don't regret what happened right now."

"I didn't regret our first kiss. And I don't regret this. I like you," I tell him, feeling overwhelmed. He withdraws his hands and stares at me as if taken aback.

"But you know, I can't date you or let anyone know about us, right now," I say and he immediately gives me a slight nod. "I don't know how my family will react to me dating a guy. I don't even know what my Dad thinks about same-sex relationships. I need to find out first. Until then, can we just stay like this?"

"Okay," he nods, giving me a tight-lipped smile. Then he suddenly leans forward and kisses my forehead, cupping my face again. Pulling away, he bumps his nose against mine, smiling widely at me. I stare at his gorgeous face in awe, feeling butterflies in my stomach "Gosh! I'm just so happy! I love you so much, Jungkookie," He whispers and quickly pecks my lips before kissing me on both cheeks. Then he ruffles my hair and pecks the tip of my nose before suddenly pulling me into a tight hug.

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