14. Tears

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14 Tears

Jungkook's POV

"What's wrong Choonhee?" Rowoon asks me with a frown as I grab his wrist, stopping him from touching my face.

"I don't want you touching me. I'm not comfortable with it," I finally spit it out.

"Oh..er..okay," he nods. The look on his face says he is irritated. But I was tolerating him for a long time. I can't do it any longer.

He takes another half an hour to finish his drawing. The whole time he keeps sighing and rolling his eyes. As soon as he says he's finished, I get up from my chair and walk out of the ground in the direction of the tents. I need to find Taehyungie hyung. I don't know what happened to him earlier.

In the distance, I see his figure sitting under that same tree he dragged me to, today morning. I increase the pace of my walk and soon find myself running towards him. He looks upon hearing my footsteps.

"Hyung, are you okay?!" I pant out when I reach near him.

"Yeah," he nods.

I go and sit beside him, still breathing heavily from the little run I made. "I'm sorry about today morning," I tell him.

"No, you didn't do anything wrong. I'm the one who should say sorry. I'm so sorry, Jeon Jungkook," he says. For some reason, I feel sad, hearing him call me by my full name. It feels like I've suddenly become a stranger to him.

I lean my head against his shoulder but he instantly moves away. "You should stay away from me, Jungkook."

I look at him confused. "Taehyungie hyung, I thought you weren't mad at me anymore." He doesn't say anything and just stares at the distance.

"Please don't be mad at me, hyung. I felt suffocated the whole day without talking to you." He still doesn't reply, making me worried.

"Please..please..I'm sorry hyung. You were right. Rowoon was making me so nervous and uncomfortable. I thought I was going to get caught in front of everyone. It's all my fault. I shouldn't have let him get close to me from the beginning."

He still doesn't reply, making me so upset. And then when I try to grab his arm, he moves it away.

"Tae Tae hyung, please.."

He suddenly gets up and walks away, leaving me behind in utter confusion and distress.

I sit there not knowing what to do. I tried all the nick names he asked me to call him. Still nothing worked. Now what to do? Is he not going to talk to me again? Are we going to separate like this tomorrow when the camp ends?

What did I do so wrong? I just told him not to worry too much about me. I didn't mean anything wrong. Why is he so mad over that?

Wait! He himself said I didn't do anything wrong. Then what?

I sit there for so long, feeling troubled and utterly clueless. Atlast, I figure out the reason for his anger. He is mad at me cause I didn't check up on him when he was sick earlier today. He helped me a lot and was constantly by my side yesterday but I didn't even check up on him when he was feeling unwell today. But that's because I was scared to go to the boys' tents. But I really thought about him. In fact, I was thinking about him the whole time that I couldn't even paint the sunrise properly.

"Everyone, we are going to head out from here in half an hour! Please pack up your things quickly and fold up your tents," Mr Park announces through the microphone. "Also, snacks are being served in the food ground. Don't forget to go get it after you finish with your packing."

I get up, dust off my dress and rush in the direction of our tent. The girls had already finished packing their bags and were waiting for me to take my stuff out. I hurry inside and quickly pack up my bag. Then, I and the girls together take down the tent and fold it up.

"Did you get your snacks?" Dohee asks me. I shake my head 'no.'

"Go get it from there. We already got ours," she says pointing at the centre ground where a desk was placed now. I nod to her and rush there to get my snacks. There was only one juice box and a Pizza roll left. Just as I'm about to grab it, someone else's hand reaches to take it. I look up to see it is Ara.

"You haven't already got your snacks?" She asks me.

"No," I shake my head.

"Oh! How come there are lesser number of snacks? Hmm..maybe some people took twice," she sighs. "You can have it. I'm not feeling that hungry."

"No, no! You have it. Maybe my tentmates already got mine. I'll get it from them," I say and smile at her. She nods to me and I walk back to our earlier tent spot where I had left my luggage. Most of the tents were taken down by now and everyone was ready to leave.

Within ten minutes, we head out in  direction of the road where our bus is parked. There was only another ten-minute walk to the road. I was in the front with the girls and Tae hyung was in the back with the guys when we walked out of the forest, so I don't get to talk to him. But I was planning to talk to him on the bus.

I don't step into the bus even after all the girls hop inside. I wait for Tae hyung at the doors and finally, when he arrives, I step inside behind him. But to my utter distress, he goes and sits beside Ara, breaking all my hopes.

The seat next to him separated by the aisle was empty. I sit there and tilt my head, shamelessly staring at him. But he wasn't even looking at me. He had his gaze on his phone and he was reading somebody's messages.

The bus starts as soon as Mr Park steps in after counting the last guy. He goes and sits beside Miss Choi in the front. Nobody apparently comes and sits beside me. Not to mention, I didn't even see where Rowoon went.

Tae hyung doesn't take his gaze away from his phone even after five minutes and I feel my chest becoming more and more heavy. I don't even feel the courage to utter his name. After all, it's clear he doesn't want to talk to me. It's not like he hasn't yet noticed me staring at him.

I desperately wished for him to at least glance at me once. But he never turns his face. The pain in my chest at last rise up to my throat, making me want to cry. I feel my eyes becoming watery. Sighing, I move to the window seat and look out, blinking my eyes a few times. It was starting to get dark outside. Maybe it's because we are in the forest that it's getting dark earlier. So, do birds and animals here go to sleep early?

"Taehyung," I hear Ara utter.

"Yeah.." he says.

"Why were you so disturbed today?"

He doesn't reply.

"Is it because of me?"

"Not really."

"Er...I'll think about it."


"About what you told me last day. I'll give you my answer after this camp."

He doesn't say anything.

So, finally, she has fallen for him. So, tomorrow whole day he's gonna be with her. He isn't going to talk to me again! We are over! Like this!

A sob escapes my mouth and I feel tears slither down my cheeks. I quickly wipe them away and press my lips together to prevent another sob from escaping. But it somehow escapes. My heart feels like it's about to explode. I really want to cry!

I get up from the seat and walk to the back. The last three rows are empty and I go and sit in the last seat. But now, no sob comes out, only tears escape my eyes. I lean my head against the window, letting the tears slither down my cheeks.

I don't even know why I'm crying like this. Am I crying because a guy I met just two days ago doesn't talk to me now?

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