31. Surprise

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Taehyung's POV

I stare at Jungkook in fascination as his big eyes, wide with wonder, roam the expanse of the art gallery, taking in the kaleidoscope of colours and shapes that adorn the walls. Each stroke of the artist's brush seems to be telling him a story and I feel happy with my choice to take him here instead of to an arcade or a park.

Simply looking at his bright face, I feel my heart melt. The soft light from the gallery's skylights falls upon his features, brightening his every smile and gasp of awe. And I feel just so content, simply standing by his side, holding his hand and watching his every movement.

I loosen the grip of my fingers on his left hand as I notice the little fingers protruding from his plaster cast itching with a desire to touch the canvases. But strangely, he doesn't let go of my hands. He holds me tightly whilst smiling at the painting of a serene landscape with vibrant colours.

"It reminds me of our camp," he tells me. I smile, glancing at the painting. To be honest, coming here itself reminded me of our days at the camp when we walked around in the forest, freely holding hands. I wish we were back at the camp.

Moving along, we come across a gleaming bronze sculpture that commands attention with its sheer size and striking form. For some reason, Jungkookie glances at me and then smiles shyly, staring at the sculpture's expertly chiselled muscles.

"What?" I ask side eying him.

"Nothing," he shakes his head, letting out a tiny giggle.

"Did it remind you of something that happened at the camp?" I ask grinning.

"No!" He yelps and drags me towards the next sculpture, which is the figure of a beautiful lady. The artist's skill was evident in the intricate detailing of the lady's features, every curve and line meticulously carved to perfection.

In another corner of the gallery, we discover a series of abstract paintings that leave Jungkookie captivated and intrigued. We also come across delicate porcelain vases adorned with intricate hand-painted designs and other objects of excellent craftsmanship. Each painting and art object tells a unique story. Time quickly slips away unnoticed as we roam around in the gallery, hand in hand.

Two hours later at 12, when we finally leave the gallery, hand in hand, my bunny boy is smiling contentedly, making me happy and proud. "You liked the surprise?" I ask him.

"I loved it, hyung!" He smiles showing his dimples and I can't help but poke them.

"Oww..stop it, Tae Tae!" He giggles, smacking away my fingers.

"Ah..Jungkook-ah, your dimples and bunny teeth are so cute! How can they call them manufacturing defects?" I wonder aloud.

"Manufacturing defect??" He laughs. "It's called genetic defect."

"Isn't it the same? What's the difference?" I ask, causing him to giggle, and shake his head.

We walk to the parking and go to my car. After unlocking it, I open the passenger seat door for him. Afterwards, I hop into the driver's seat. Our eyes lock with each other as I lean forward to buckle his seat belt. I break the eye contact first, this time. Then I fasten my seat belt and turn the key in the ignition, starting the engine.

"So, are you going to drop me back at home now?" He asks me as I pull the car out of the parking lot and into the driveway.

"No, I'm only dropping you back in the evening," I reply.

"So, where are we going?" he asks curiously as we enter the highway.

"Let's go to my home?" I ask, tilting my face.

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