XII - The Mail

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Twelve: The Mail

Although what had happened had little to do with anyone else other than Egbert, Isaac could not keep Jonathan off his mind and not for the reason one would expect. It was not that he had never got over him, but rather that this was the precedent of whatever relationship he would have with Egbert, should they venture into these lands. Malmesbury was a far different place from London, to be sure, but it was still England. They still lived under the same monarch and laws, even if none of these things seemed to be in sight near them.

Whatever it was they would do, it would take a long time to think. An amount of time which however long Isaac had spent seated on that kitchen stool, petrified since Egbert left, could not even begin to cover. He had been so immersed in his own world that he did not even notice when Olivia walked in, poured the tea, took it upstairs to Samuel and came back down again.

She noticed her friend was not his usual self and decided to intrude.

"You are odd," she said.

"Huh?" Isaac asked, coming back to reality. "Oh, it is nothing, I was just... seeing Egbert's family today reminded me of mine, that's all."

She nodded and took a seat next to him.

"Being homesick is something I can understand. I've been missing my family a lot lately, as well."

"Do you sometimes not wish you could return to your childhood? To when we rarely had any meaningful concerns."

Olivia saw the rough edges of something in front of her, though its exact shape she could not grasp. Though she knew it mattered, for it was real. And it was her friend's — whatever it was.

"Why, I think we all did wish that at some point, yes, but what's the use of remembering the past? If we do not work on making our present amiable — or bearable, at least —, we might as well drop living altogether."

Isaac glanced at her and decided what would be the best course of action to, at least, make his present bearable. He nodded and took Olivia's hand into his.

"You have no idea how helpful you've been, Olivia."

She smiled, "I'm always glad to help."

Rising to continue her chores around the kitchen, she said:

"Well, in other news, Samuel's been decidedly friendly lately. He even thanked me for the tea today. A first, on my accounts."

"So I've noticed. I think we did some real good here, Olivia."

"Oh, I'm sure we have. I even believe he has fully recovered. I often catch him about the house humming a tune or two, he's been eating all his meals. He is active, really, and that's quite the turn from how he was when we got here."

Isaac pondered on that statement for a moment, before answering.

"Physically, to be sure, but I believe there are some emotional scars in him which he will never fully recover from. Plus, there is the whole family matter, which has remained bas untouched since before we arrived."

"Indeed. I wonder what could have happened between them to create such a division. It must have been awful."

"Something about his late wife, I should think. Only death creates scars this deep."

"I think so, too. Well, regardless: if it's a cause we can be of any aid to, I know we shall."

Isaac smiled, but Olivia noticed it was not his usual smile.

"Something has happened. Something else. I see it in your face, Isaac. Do you mind telling me?"

"I do actually. I'm sorry. It's... It's not something that I... I can..."

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