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Jake was chasing me for a good 10 minutes until he finally caught me by my arm when I stopped to take a breathe.

"I got you" Jake with smile on his smile , somehow still full of energy.

"Your mom"

"Seriously? Your mom jokes are so dumb"

"Do you want to know what else is dumb?"

"What is it?"

"Your mom"

"Okay yeah , let's see who's gonna carry you next time you get tired" Jake said as he walked away grinning.

"No wait- Jake I'm sorry" I whined as I started to walk after him.

"Admit the joke was lame first"

"The joke was lame" I gave in.

"See , that's easy" Jake boasted.

"Your lame too" I slapped his arm.

"How did we go from being best friends to fighting" Jake laughed.

"I don't know , I think we got tired"

"We have been here for the past 6 hours"

"It's been that long??" I said in shock.

"Mhm" Jake mumbled. "I'll call a driver and I'll take you home" He continued.

"No- it's okay , I can go home by myself"

"You don't have a choice" Jake said as he took his phone out to call for a driver.

Once the driver arrived Jake and I got into the backseat together.

"Are you tired Jae?" Jake asked in a softer tone than his usual voice.

"Just a little" I yawned.

"Rest your head on my shoulder"

"What , wh-" I asked but I got interrupted mid sentence by Jake forcing my head onto his shoulder.

"Are you comfortable?"

"Y-yeah" I said feeling as i could feel my cheeks heating up.


I'm not sure what happened after that since I fell asleep , but I somehow ended up waking up in my bed at home. I feel kind of bad knowing that Jake must have carried me inside.

I checked the time to see it's already past 8pm. Jungwon should be home by now hopefully.

I got up to change into some more comfortable clothes and then went to Jungwons room.

"Oh you're finally awake. You've been asleep for hours" Jungwon said as he saw me walk into his room.

I didn't answer Jungwon as I was too distracted by Jake sitting next to him on the bed.


"Yes Jaelyn?"

"What are you doing here? I thought u would of went home"

"I wanted him to stay over so we could play some games together" Jungwon said , cutting into me and Jake's conversation.

"How long are you staying for Jake?"

"Just for another hour , but we wo-"

"It's okay. Stay as long as you want"

"Won't you get mad because of the noise?"

"I'll be okay , you guys just have fun"

"Are you ignoring me?" Jungwon spoke out , putting a stop to me and Jake's conversation.

"Yeah , I am" I muttered before leaving Jungwons room.

I honestly didn't want it to be like I was ignoring Jungwon , but I was feeling upset. It feels as if he doesn't want to spend time with me anymore like when we were younger. I know we both grew up , so things obviously won't be the same but it still hurts to know our brother-sister relationship isn't as strong.

I could just be being dramatic as well , but that's how I am naturally.

I just went back to my room in hopes that Jungwon won't be upset , but he ended up storming into my room.

"Jaelyn , are you seriously mad at me because i ditched you today?" Jungwon raised his voice.

"It's not just today that you've done this"

"Come on Jaelyn , I told you I'm busy , why can't you understand that"

"If you just came into my room to fight then get out" I said as I threw my pillow at Jungwon.

I pushed my legs towards me , and rested my head on my knees. A few small teardrops and sniffles became many , but I had to gather myself up when I heard my room door open again.

POLAROID LOVE || Jake SimWhere stories live. Discover now