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I'm Ellie Hill. I'm 5'6 and am 26 years old. I have brown hair and blue-green eyes. I have lived in Australia most of my life. I have moved around for football but always came back. I play as a right-wing but can play as a striker if needed. I went to Spain for a few years so know Spanish fluently.

My dad is half French as well as Australian so we go to France quite a lot for his family but they don't know any English so I am also fluent in that.

My mum is half-Irish so we also go to Ireland to see my grandma sometimes but it isn't very often.
I have three siblings. I have an older brother, a younger sister, and a younger brother.

My older brother is called Daniel. He's 27 and has dirty blonde hair. He is a surfer. Figures since we all surf a bit but he's always loved it.

My younger sister is called Chloe. She's 19 and has dirty blonde hair and is the female version of Daniel. They have always been close. The only difference is she wants to work with animals. She doesn't want to be a vet but she wants to open a zoo of sorts that holds animals that won't survive in the wild on their own.

My younger brother is called Jacob. He was born way after all of us so is only 6. He is like me and my mum and has brown hair. He has always been my little buddy. Jacob was always with me wherever we went and although he is only 6 I can tell he can become a footballer if he puts in the work. He plays up in the under-8 boys' team and is one of the best. He plays striker and is the top scorer for his team.

Anyway, I am moving to London to play for Arsenal. It will be my first time going to England. I am nervous but also excited as my Matilda teammates Kyra Cooney-Cross, Steph Catley and Caitlin Ford play for Arsenal.

I will miss Australia but it's time to get away from all the neglect and abuse I've been receiving from my parents. I was the only one who wasn't a planned pregnancy and they always told me whenever we argued. That's the only time they talk to me.

I will miss my brothers and sister but it's what needs to happen. The only thing I'm worried about is that they'll neglect Jacob. He's too young to look after himself whereas Daniel and Chloe can. The older two have my number if anything happens and they need me so that's a relief.

I'll always come back to protect them. I have always been the protective one of the four of us. Our parents started to ignore me because one time I found out Daniel was being bullied because he surfed instead of playing basketball. He got beat up all the time when he was a year 9 and I was a year 8. I ended up getting in a fight with one of them. I only came out of it with a bruised eye and a bleeding lip. I can't say the same for the bully.

Another time I found out someone in my year was talking shit about Chloe and spreading rumours. When I talked to her about it she said it was true so I told her to stop. She said no and we got into an argument going back and forth of me telling her to stop and her refusing. She ended up punching me in the jaw. She had a big ring on so it cut my jaw open. That was the only finger she got on me before I pushed her to the floor and punched her twice before I was pulled off.

That wasn't the last fight I got in at school but I only lost one. It was unfair though because they came out of nowhere and had something sharp. They punched me round the face and then they stabbed my side with the sharp object. I ended up needing stitches then as well and have a scar on my side.

They aren't the only scars I have. I have one of my calves because my dad came home drunk and out of nowhere started abusing me and then cut my leg with a knife. That's the biggest scar.

I did the last scars to myself. It was a complete accident. I was walking with Daniel and then I tripped over and cut my hand on a wall. By this time I learned how to do stitches myself. Well, my mum taught me after my first fight just in case as she's a doctor. She only ever ignored me and neglected me when my dad was around so not all the time. She never abused me though.

I have always suffered from social anxiety and I have depression but it's worse some days than others. I haven't self-harmed since I was 16 so that's a big achievement.


I'm going to leave the introduction there. It's just a little debrief on Ellie's family.

I hope you enjoyed the first chapter I'll try to do regular updates but I have quite a bit of homework to do.

Have a good day/night

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