Chapter one

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Today I'm moving from Australia to London. I am nervous but who isn't nervous when they're moving hours away? I've never been to London but I've been to Spain for football to play at Barcelona. I've also been to France and Ireland for family.

Speaking of family I have to say goodbye to my siblings. I made sure to book a flight so when I left for the airport my dad wasn't here. To avoid one last argument or beating.

I walk into Daniel's room to say goodbye. He's the only one who knows I'm leaving today. He was sitting in his bed with no top and just his shorts. Makes sense because the flight is early and that's how he sleeps. "Daniel. I'm leaving now." I say just loud enough so only he'll hear. He instantly gets up and comes over to me, "Make me proud Ellie. I'll see you for the World Cup in the summer. Come visit okay?" I smile at him, he's always been so supportive, "I will Daniel. I was already planning on bringing Kyra down." He laughs. Kyra is a little sister to me and Daniel and an older one to Chloe and Jacob.

I hug him again tightly and walk out to Chloe's room. I knock on the door, "come in." Is faintly heard through the door. I open her door and she's propped up on her elbows under her covers. "You okay Ellie?" She questions confused. I take a deep breath, "Chloe I'm moving to London. I signed for Arsenal." She takes a minute to process what I've told her before her face drops. "When are you leaving?" She asks. I play with the ring on my finger, "when I've said goodbye to everyone." She gets off her bed and comes over to me pulling me into a hug, "I'll miss you but I'll keep watching all the Arsenal games." At that, I laugh. She's always loved watching women's football, especially Arsenal. "I'll miss you, Chloe," I say. "I'll miss you too, Ellie."

We pull away from the hug and I go to Jacob's room. I know he's awake because he always is this early. "Jacob?" I say as I open his door. "Ellie!" He says running up to me with a big smile on his face. I pick him up and hug him tightly. "I need to tell you something," I say as I walk us both to his bed sitting down. He nods his smile never faltering, "Okay what's wrong Ellie?" I sigh, "I'm moving to London for football." I see him frown slightly before he shakes his head, "No stay. Please, Ellie." It hurts to see him sad but I need to do this. "I'm sorry Jacob." I hug him tighter and he buries his face in my neck. I kiss the top of his head and stand up, "Let's go find Mum huh." He doesn't answer just buries his face in my neck more.

I knock on my mum's door with Jacob still attached to me. "I've come to say goodbye Mum," I say after opening the door. She frowns, "what team have you signed for?" I smile slightly, "Arsenal. I have to go to London to finalise it though. I'll miss you." She smiles weakly, "I'll miss you too."

I walk out of her room with Jacob and get my suitcases and bags. When I get to the door I put Jacob down who is still upset. He starts to cry so I hug him, kissing the top of his head, "I'll be back before you know it baby boy" He looks at me and what I see breaks my heart. He has tears in his eyes and tears on his cheeks. I wipe away the tears before kissing his forehead one last time and taking all my bags to my car.

Once everything is in my car I look back at my parent's house for the last time before getting in my car and driving off to the airport.


Chapter one. What do we think?

Let me know any ideas you may have. I'm sorry it wasn't updated during the day I had school and then the gym and then football so I had no time to update until now.

Have a good day/night

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