chapter eight

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I brought out snacks and put them on the table. Then I ran to my room and got blankets out for us. "I only have two blankets so I'll share with Katie and you two can share," I say throwing a blanket towards Beth and Viv.

They are on one sofa and Katie and I are on another one. We start the film of choice, Harry Potter, and open the crisps and sweets I got out. "Why do you have Halloween sweets?" Beth asks. I look at her, then the sweets, "I don't actually know."

They laugh at me before we get quiet and watch the film. I'm sat in-between Katie's legs as she's leaning on the arm rest. The blanket is resting over our legs and my head is on her chest.


We are onto the third harry potter film when I start to get tired. All the snacks are finished so Katie's hands are resting on my stomach, mine on top of hers. I close my eyes and fall asleep.

I wake up to Katie carrying me to my room. She puts me down on my bed and goes to leave. "Stay," I say barely above a whisper. She turns around, "are you sure?" I nod at her so she gets in next to me. I move so my head is resting on her chest and my arms are wrapped around her waist. She wraps her arms around my waist as well.


I wake up still on Katie's chest. When she figures out I'm awake she kisses my forehead. "Morning, Katie," I say. She smiles at me, "Morning Ellie."

I bury my head in her neck kissing it a few times before getting up. "We should probably get ready," I say. Katie sighs before getting up, "I've got nothing to change into."

I get a pair of joggers and a shirt out of my draws for her. "Wear these. They might be a bit big because I'm taller but it should be fine," I tell her. "Thank you," she says.

I get out joggers and a shirt for myself. I change into my joggers in the bathroom before doing my teeth. I take off my shirt to change into that. I look for my shirt realising I left it on my bed. I open the door, and Katie has no shirt on either.

My eyes travel over her abs and toned arms before meeting her eyes. I can see her doing the same. "I left my shirt on the bed," I say. As I walk past her she grabs my waist and pulls me towards her.

I grab her hips to stop me falling. She grabs my neck and pulls me closer. One of my hands goes to her neck as our lips meet.

The kiss lasts a few seconds before there is a knock on my bedroom door. We pull away and quickly put our shirts on. Katie goes to the bathroom while I open the door. "What's up Beth?" I ask. "Do you want me to make breakfast or are you making it? Me and Viv are hungry," she asks.

I laugh slightly, "I'll make it. I'll be out in two seconds I just need to finish getting changed." She nods and walks away. I put my socks on and tell Katie I'd be in the kitchen and leave.

I make the batter for pancakes and then put them on. I make three for each of us and when they're all done I bring them to the table. "Foods ready kids," I jokingly call. Beth runs in the room, "finally. I'm starving. Also I'm not a kid." I laugh at her last sentence while Viv and Katie walk in.

We all sit and eat and then they all get ready to leave. "Bye guys. It was nice having you all over," I say. They all smile at me. "I'm glad you didn't turn us away," Viv jokes. I laugh, "I will never turn you away." I hug each of them one last time before they leave.


Not a long chapter today. I was writing this while watching arsenal vs West Ham today. Annoyed we lost but still.

Have a good day/night

All Worth It In The End - Katie MccabeWhere stories live. Discover now