chapter eleven

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Ellie POV

I wake up, my head resting on Katie's chest. I look at the time to see it is 11 am. We got back late because I was driving Katie around on my motorbike. After I posted the picture on Instagram all my teammates were asking me to drive to training on it the following day. Especially Kyra. Since I'm older I used to drive her around places when we were in Australia and we used my motorbike most of the time.

I put my phone back down, causing Katie to move about and eventually open her eyes. "Morning Els," she says. Her voice is slightly croaky as she just woke up. I smile at her, "Morning Katie."

We lay in bed for a few more minutes before getting up. I lend Katie a clean outfit and change as well. I just change into a pair of joggers and a sports bra, with a hoodie. Once I'm changed I leave Katie to change and walk into the kitchen to start making us some brunch.

Katie walks into the kitchen from my bedroom wearing the joggers and hoodie I let her wear. She stands behind me and wraps her arms around my waist, "just so you know you aren't getting this hoodie back now."

I laugh at her shaking my head slightly, "okay I'll keep that in mind next time I let you borrow my clothes." She rests her chin on my shoulder before replying, "I will steal more hoodies."

I shake my head as I finish up making our food. I plate it up and take them to the table, sitting down. Katie follows and sits next to me as we eat. "That was really nice thank you," Katie says as she finishes up her food.

I get up and put our plates in the dishwasher before making my way to the living room with Katie. "Hey Katie?" I say. She looks at me, "Yeah?" I look at her, "do you want to bring some of your clothes here? You know since you've been sleeping here."

She looks at me before smiling, "yeah, if you want me to." I nod my head at her, "of course I want you to." She smiles at me, "then I will bring some of my clothes here."

I smile and open my arms. She moves to lay in my arms. Her head rests on my chest and my arms wrap around her back. One of her hands rests under my hoodie on my stomach.

I laugh slightly, "comfy?" She nods in response, making me laugh. I'm about to answer when theirs a knock on my door. Katie groans as I move to get up, "I'll be back in a minute."

I go to the front door, opening it. Standing at my door is my national and club teammates, Kyra, Steph and Caitlin but also my national captain Sam Kerr.

I stand still for a few seconds before hugging her, "hey Sammy. How come your all here?" They all laugh slightly. "Well I haven't seen you or these in a bit so I wanted to come see you all," Sam says.

I nod in response, "you can all come in but I just want to let yous know that Katie is here." My arsenal teammates nod, not thinking it's weird as me and Katie have been getting closer but Sam questions it, "Wait, Katie McCabe?"

I nod and lead them all to my living room. Katie looks up as we walk through and stands up to hug our them. She gives me a confused look and I shrug.

We all spread out on my sofas. Me, Katie and Steph share a sofa while Caitlin, Kyra and Sam share the other.

After a few minutes Sam speaks up, "So. Who's this mystery girl you've been seeing?" I laugh slightly, "My lips are sealed." Sam sighs slightly, "Tell us. We've all known eachother for years. You can't hide it from us for long, you know this."

I shake my head slightly and offer everyone a drink. Everyone asks for a hot chocolate so I get up to make them. A few minutes after I get in the kitchen I feel a pair of hands on my shoulders, making me jump and turn around to face a laughing Kyra.

I stare at her for a second. "Mate you scared the absolute shit out of me," I say my accent coming out heavy. Kyra laughs, "That was the plan. Now. Tell me who your new girlfriend is or I will guess. You know I can, and I will."

I pretend to zip my mouth shut. "Does anyone else know?" She asks. I shrug my shoulders, "Maybe." She sighs, "Does Katie know?" I shake my head with a small grin on my face. I look back at the hot chocolates, finishing them up.

She groans, "Stop looking at me like that. Who is she." I look at her, "You're acting really childish right now." She shrugs her shoulder before helping me bring the hot chocolates through to everyone.

I sit back down on the sofa next to Katie after handing everyone their drinks. We all talk for another hour or so before putting on a movie and getting food. Since we didn't have training until the weekend we ordered pizzas. A cheese for me, Steph and Katie and a pepperoni for the other three. Perfect for the seating arrangements.

About half way through the film the food gets here so I go to the door and get it. I pay the delivery man and take the food back the the living room. Everyone eats while the film plays.

When the film finishes and everyone has eaten I go to the bathroom. When walking out and back to them all I bump into Katie. "Fuck. You made me jump," I say. "Language!" I hear Sam say from the living room. "It's my house mate,' I say back.

"You okay?" I ask Katie. She nods, "yeah I just miss you." I look at her confused, "how do you mean?" She explains, "like I miss your hugs and all that. It's silly but still." I huh her softly, "it's not silly at all."

We break off the hug and go back to the living room. We put on another film and the majority voted for a horror film, and by that I mean everyone but me. "I fucking hate you all. I hate horrors." I moan.

They all laugh."We know that's why we picked it," Caitlin says. "How rude," I say putting my hand to my heart.

As the film goes on more jump scares happen as well each time making me jump. When there was about twenty minutes left I ended up hiding my head in Katie's neck, "If I jump one more fucking time I actually think I'll die of a heart attack."

They all laugh at me. When the film ends they all get up to leave. "Are you sure you don't all just want to stay with her?" I offer for the tenth time. "No it's fine honestly. I have training tomorrow anyway." Sam says. The others decline as well. I hug them all goodbye before closing the door.

I look at Katie sitting on the sofa, "Are you tired?" She nods, "Mhm, yeah." I grab her hand leading her to my room, "come on then."

When we get to my room Katie gets straight into my bed while I take off my hoodie, leaving me in just the joggers and sports bra. I get into bed next to her and she rests her head on my chest as one of her hands rest on my stomach while the other wraps around my waist.

I wrap both my hands around her waist pulling her closer. "Goodnight Katie," I say. She whispers back, "Goodnight Ells." I kiss her head before quickly falling asleep.


What do we all think of this chapter? It's a little longer because of the wait but it's here now.

Have a good day/night

All Worth It In The End - Katie MccabeWhere stories live. Discover now