1.1 - Loverboy

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Tyler x Aiden - Oblivious loverboys

Type: Fluff + Lemon???

Written: 15/01/24 - 9:23 - 12:36

Place: School - Lunch time 

Timeline: The group catching Barron bullying Logan in the hallway

3rd person pov:

As the group were walking down the hall, Tyler on his phone, Taylor, Ashlyn and Aiden talking about something random and Ben being in his own little world, shouting could be heard further down the hall. 

As Tyler looked up from his phone, he spotted Logan being shoved against the lockers by Barron. 

"I was wondering where the nerd was." Tyler exclaimed as he glared towards Barron. The others looked towards where the shouts were coming from. 

"Is he being bullied?" Ashlyn asked who seemed a bit surprised. 

"It's him again." Taylor said. "Yeah, Yeah, i'm on it." Tyler sighed as he walked over to the two boys. 

Aiden looked over at Ben and stiffened. "Uh-oh-" Aiden thought. He quickly stepped in front of Ben, waving his hands around in front of his face. "woah, hey bud, calm down half-wit is handling it" Aiden looked around before poking Taylor on her shoulder, grasping her attention. 

Taylor turned around, facing Aiden with a confused look. "Take Ben to the cafeteria will ya? Please-" Aiden begged her. She looked at Ben, surprised at how angry he looked. She nodded and quickly went over to Ben, grabbing his arm and pulling him away from the scene. 

Aiden sighed in relief before turning back to the scene happening in front of the group.

"Tyler looks madddd. Why does he look kinda hot like that- WAIT HOLD UP-"  Aiden shook his head frantically abrupting his own train of thoughts. He had tried to get rid of these weird thoughts but they kept coming back every time.

The group walked over to Tyler and Logan after Barron walked away looking annoyed. The small blush that had crept up onto the blonde boys cheeks didn't seem to want to go away no matter how hard he tried to calm his thoughts. 

So Aiden did the only logical thing he could think of, which was hide his face with his hand. 

Tyler being the observant asshole he is(Surprisingly), noticed this. He had caught Aiden staring at him when Barron walked away. 

Aiden was looking anywhere but at him or anyone in the group. "What's wrong with him?" Tyler (In obvious denial of having a crush on Aiden) was in deep thought, not realizing he was glaring at Aiden until Ashlyn called out his name. 

He looked up only to see the rest of the group (minus Tay and ben) a bit further away, waving for him to come. 

Timeskip - In the cafeteria

3rd person POV:

Tyler hadn't touched his food at all. He was sitting in deep thought just staring off into space. His sister, Taylor, was looking at him slightly worried because he was never one to be this quiet.

Aiden and Ashlyn seemed to notice this too and shared a confused glance. Ashlyn looked at Taylor with a look that said "What's with him?" but Taylor just shrugged and shook her head. 

Tyler pushed his food away and buried his face in his hands. His face was red from all of the thoughts rushing through his head. 

The others looked at him, some concerned and some looking at him weirdly.

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