1.8 - Jealousy

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Written: 05/03/24 - 09:53am

Request by Tylen0l_

It's nice to have someone like you

Even if you can't control your emotions..





Logan POV:

I've started hanging out with Noah after what happened at the arcade.

Turns out he also has an interest for astrology and gardening!

It's quite nice having a friend with the same interests as me..


I've noticed Tyler's behavior changing slightly.

He has been more.. uhm.. observant?
If you can call it that

He's also acting kind of distant yet protective?

I can't tell why.

"Logan?" Noah called out to me.

I finally snap out of my thoughts as i look at him
We're studying for midterms 

"A-ah sorry did i zone out?" I let out a light laugh as a scratch the back of my neck.

He lets out a small chuckle before looking at his phone to check the time.
"We should get going now, it's already 4:55pm"

3rd person POV:

Logan stared at the open math book on the floor, surrounded by papers before quickly starting to pack them into his bag after finally processing what Noah said.

"Really? Shoot i'm supposed to meet up with Tyler in 5 minutes"

He quickly packed his things getting up from the library floor.

"Tyler from the baseball team?" 
Noah looked at him while also packing his things

"Yeah, we're going to get some snacks before meeting up with the rest of the group later"
Logan picked up his bag before waving Noah goodbye as he speedwalked to the gym him and Tyler had planned to meet.

It took a bit longer to get there than expected. He was almost 10 minutes later.
If it hadn't been for the fact he started running when he spotted Tyler, it would've defininetly been over 10 minutes.

Logan stopped up in front of Tyler, panting.

He wasn't that active when it came to sports.

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