2.3 - Taste you on my tongue

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Ben x Tyler

Tyler gets even grumpier when he gets NO sleep.

So Ben has to take action to calm him down.

Tyler groaned as Taylor dragged him down the street, the clarks house coming into view.

He could see the rest of the group hanging out on the porch, Aiden waving his hand (Taylor obviously waving back), Ashlyn sitting on the porch steps next to Logan and Ben sitting on the railing.

Suddenly Taylor sped up. Tyler let out an unexpected yelp as he was yanked forward, almost tripping. 

He was way too tired to yank his hand out of his sisters grip but he still managed to send a glare at her for the sudden speed in pace.

Taylor slowed down as they reached the others. "Hey guys!" Her voice beamed with excitement.

"Hey Taylor!" Aiden paused as his eyes landed on the tired brunette behind the twin sister. "What's up with half-wit?" He pointed with a chuckle.

Tyler was glaring daggers at the fake blonde, Taylor had to hold back a giggle. "He didn't get any sleep"

Aiden let out a long 'oooooooh' in amusement before shrugging and dragging Ashlyn inside, the others following behind them.

As the others chatted away in the kitchen, Tyler immediately went for the couches. Just wanting to succumb to sleep as fast as possible. (We all know that's practically impossible with Aiden around)


Tyler plopped down on one of the couches, laying on his stomach. The soft couch making him want to just pass out right then and there.

 But no no, the universe has other things in mind.

Because just as Tyler closed his eyes, a fake blonde came over with a pillow and a stupid grin plastered on his face.

With a chuckle he threw the pillow at Tyler, hitting him in the back of his head as Tyler let out a groan. "Get up half-wit! We're making brownies!" The fake blonde exclaimed with a smug grin as Tyler turned to look at him.

He glared at him with a scowl before grabbing the pillow and throwing it back at Aiden with the force of a baseball player (we love the strength manz has).

Aiden let out a yelp as the pillow hit him straight in the face.

Before he could even process anything, Aiden was suddenly tackled onto the other couch behind him before getting hit with the pillow again. "Shut the hell up blondie."

Aiden let out a laugh before shoving Tyler off, grabbing the pillow and chucking it at the brunette.

Not long after a pillow fight broke out between the two. Tossing around on the floor, pillows being thrown.

Tyler once again managed to tackle Aiden and continuously hit him with a pillow. "I told you to shut up and leave me alone" He grumbled as he continued to hit the laughing maniac beneath him with a pillow. 

The brunette felt a pair of arms wrap around his torso. A yelp escaped his lips as he was picked up. "Hey! Put me down-"

Tyler tried to push himself out of the persons grip but to his disappointment it did nothing. He glanced over his shoulder to see who had picked him up.

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