2.0 - Cigarettes

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Giving my boy Tyler some attention<3

Sorry not sorry (Maybe a lil)

Written: 19/03/24

It had been a while since Tyler had taken on this "hobby" of smoking.

Thankfully he never got addicted and knew when to stop.

But what would the group think about this?







The group decided to go camping for the weekend to get things off of their minds.

They were having fun and all until Tyler left for a "walk".

Tyler's POV:

I held up the lighter to the tip of the cigarette pressed between my fingers.

It had been a while since I last smoked but I kind of needed this.

The dim glow of the small fire was a satisfying sight.

After I inhaled for the 3rd time, a sigh escaped my lips, blowing the smoke out with it.

Taylor doesn't know about my so called "hobby" and hopefully she won't find out. I just know i'll be scolded for it.

3rd POV:

As Tyler walked through the forest, lost in thought, the group started getting slightly worried as it had been a little over half an hour since he left.

The others decided to split up in groups and search for him.

Ben and Logan searched further in the woods, Ashlyn searched near the edge of the forest and around the place they were camping and Taylor and Aiden went to check by the river that wasn't far from their camp.

Their surprise they found Tyler sitting by the slim river.

Smoking a cigarette.

It didn't seem like he noticed their presence until Aiden accidently stepped on a stick, making it snap in two.

Tyler quickly turned his head in their direction and threw away his cigarette even faster.

Taylor stared at him intensely. "Were you smoking?" She asked in a tone that sent shivers down Tylers spine.

"No.." Tyler said in a low whisper, dragging out the 'o'.

"Then what was that in your hand?" She crossed her arms, waiting for a response.

Tyler stayed quiet as his gaze hovered over the river.

"Soo..... Why were ya smoking?" Aiden popped up behind Tyler, making him jump.

Tyler remained silent as Taylor walked over to him.
"Smoking is unhealthy and bad for you Ty!" She scolded him before letting a sigh.

"C'mon the other's are waiting for us" She said as she helped him get up.

He just let out a small hum as Aiden walked beside Taylor who was practically dragging him with them.

As they got closer to the campsite, they could see the other's talking.

Aiden was quick to sneak up on Ashlyn, trying to scare her, which wasn't very successful because of her hearing.

Taylor looked slightly annoyed as her grip on her brother tighten a bit.
Tyler was just staring at the ground as if he has just been yelled at by his mother.

"What's up with him?" Ashlyn spoke up, pointing at Tyler.

Aiden chuckled. "He got caught smoking by Taylor"

Tyler snickered and crossed his arms as the others looked at him with furrowed brows.
"Smoking?..." Logan said in almost a whisper.

Tyler rolled his eyes before speaking. "It's not that big of a deal relax"

He earned a smack in the back of his head by Taylor.

"Ow!" He rubbed the back of his head while groaning.

"Smoking is bad for you, Tyler." Ashlyn exclaimed.

Tyler glared at her. "You think i don't already know that?"
He let out a small huff as he stood up straight.

"I have self-control over this. No need to make it a big deal."

Taylor stared at him.
"Give me the pack and your lighter." 

Tyler was dumbfounded and the other's shared a few glances.

"What?" He asked.

Taylor crossed her arms.
"You heard me. Hand it over."

He knew it was no use trying to argue. Tyler pulled out a pack of cigarettes and placed it in his sister's palm along with a black lighter.






The group went back home at the end of the weekend and everyone had fun.
(Taylor obviously threw out the pack of cigarettes<3)

FINISHED: 03/04/24

I cringed slightly while writing this.

Also shorter chapter than usual<3

Words: 638

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