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חו Hey y'all it's me Ashlynn, or well it's Tyler now-
I'm sorry for the (Once again) sudden disappearance for the updating chapters.

I'm going to be outright honest with you all.

I have been going through another 'depressive' episode in which I have rarely left my bed, done anything productive and also lost a lot of sleep.

Due to the lack of sleep and sudden episodes I've been having, I have lost a lot of motivation to write, draw, paint and literally anything at this point.

Ive been trying to get back on track with my life since the start of summer break. Which has also taken up a lot of my time and stability to actually write new chapters.

I no longer have a laptop (Which is what I mainly use for writing) and I don't have energy to use my PC as it takes so much time just to start it up-

I really appreciate all of the support you guys have given this book and your patience is also very much appreciated.

Now because of the lack of updates I want to do a Q&A where you guys can ask me anything about literally anything.

It can be about me, my hobbies, sbg, fandoms, ect.

I'm leaving for boarding school after summer so I hopefully will be able to give more chapters by the time school starts again

I'm so happy how far this book has gotten with 20k+ reads! It's absolutely crazy.

I never imagined that my writing would become this popular.

Comment down below questions for the Q&A and I'll hopefully see you guys soon!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 08 ⏰

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