2.1 - Attempt

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If you do not feel comfortable with these concepts I highly recommend skipping this chapter

Requested by 0bsessed_Fan

He wanted the pain to stop.

The sleepless nights to disappear.

The constant overthinking.

All of it.

Today was the day.
The day he had planned for so long.

The day he would kill himself.




He stared at the bottle of pills in his hand.
The orange bottle with a white cap.

It was like it was calling for him.

Telling him to do it.

It was 12:34am.

They had gotten back from the phantom dimension about half an hour ago.
Ben should be asleep by now.

Aiden screwed the lid off.
He poured out the pills into the palm of his hand.

This was it.

The moment he had waited for.

Aiden took a deep breath.
He shoved the pills into his mouth and quickly swallowed them with the help of water.

He stood still for a moment, letting the pills kick in.
Then he poured more pills out in to the palm of his hand as he could feel himself becoming slightly dizzy.

Almost losing his balance, he accidently dropped the orange plastic bottle on the bathroom floor.
It landed on the hard, cold floor with a loud CLANG, followed with a few smaller ones.

"Shit." He mumbled. Hoping Ben hadn't woken up from it.

Aiden stood frozen in place, waiting to hear if Ben woke up.

He tensed up as he heard footsteps coming from down the hall.

When he heard the door creaking, he knew it was already too late.
In front of him stood his half-asleep cousin, rubbing his eyes.

Aiden looked at him then at his hand of pills before quickly shoving them in his mouth and swallowing them with water.

𝓓𝓐𝓡𝓛𝓘𝓝𝓖 - 𝙎𝘽𝙂 𝙤𝙣𝙚𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙩𝙨Where stories live. Discover now