六 | Trap

487 18 6

3rd person pov

"I like cloudy days..." the phoenix muttered as she sat on the engawa watching the sky. The sun wasn't out allowing her to sit outside.

Kyojuro and Senjuro were having a snowball match while Ruka was in the kitchen, as for Shinjuro... dunno.

"Natori! Join us!" Kyojuro looked at bird excitingly.

"I pass." the said female bird answered.

He didn't want that answer though so he threw a snowball at her.
Natori sighed using her fire breath and melted the snowball before it could reach her.

He threw another one.

She melted it.

Then he threw several snowballs at her.

She melted them.

Suddenly, a large amount of snow buried her and she heard Kyojuro chuckle above her on the roof.

"Alright, that's it." the phoenix shook the snow off from her and flew towards the flame hashira.
Now she was chasing after him while spitting fire, causeing the snow around them to melt.

"Senjuro!" Kyojuro looked at his brother for help but he simply went inside closing the door behind him.


Spring was almost there and it was still cold. The demons got more restless because of the order to kill the phoenix wasn't completed yet.

A report has it that many demons was seen in a swamp area. Since it was unlikely for demons to group up, Oyakata-sama sent a hashira to deal with this matter. It was Obanai Iguro who was assigned to bring Natori along with him.

Natori's pov

Thanks to the cloudy days, I was able to fly behind Iguro. Better than to be stuck in a cage.

A swamp area...
I had an uneasy feeling...

We have arrived right after nightfall and something was off. Very off.

"It's quiet." Iguro muttered before clicking his tongue in annoyance. He stepped on mud.

I scanned my surroundings and I knew something was off. The trees, muds, sticks and lakes seemed normal but at the same time, it looks like a setup.

3rd person pov

A small mini demon lurked on the tree tops gazing down at the fire phoenix. The demon looked at the others and they were also ready.

From thin air, several demons appeared surrounding the slayer and the phoenix who were taken aback at the surprise.

The small demon used the chance to jump on the mythical bird who was trying to shake the demon off like a bull.

"Kill the bird first!" one of the demons shouted but was soon killed by the serpent pillar. Obanai slashed their heads off effortlessly, the only problem was that he and Natori were outnumbered and the demon eventually separated them. He didn't care tho, Natori was one of them after all and she knew how to take care of herself.
That's what he thought.

Natori started to spit fire everywhere setting the are on fire. Right as she turned around another demon hit her with an object sending her into the dirty water.

Obanai saw how she wasn't swimming to the surface and was silently worried about her. Suddenly, the water started to boil causing the demons to leave the water with red skins and soon the water evaporated revealing a giant fire bird on fire. She spitted more flames which formed themselves into several fire skeletons running towards the demons to burn them alive. She didn't care about burning the whole place down. She was angry.

His songbird [R. Kyojuro × Oc! Reader] Where stories live. Discover now