十七 | Our Journey

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No ones pov

Unbeknownst to her, Kyojuro told his parents and Senjuro about his successful confession and Ruka was the most happy one. She secretly already accepted her as her daughter in law.

Natori asked Ruka if she could teach her how to cook one day and she immediately handed her her recipe book.

Kyojuro did not forget her plan about visiting her hometown so he informed his parents beforehand about this trip. Now he and Natori had to decide on which day they should go.

"The weather looks good these days, how about next week?" she suggested.



"If I remember correctly, it's this way..."
Natori leaded the way but in her memories, it wasn't very far.

"It's further away than I thought..." she sighed. She was so fast at her time as a demon but now, she couldn't fly anymore.

Kyojuro got in front of her and bent down, "Should I carry you?" he asked.

"No, you're already carrying our bags!"

"I'm a hashira after all, this is nothing to me. Besides, you're not heavy and even if you were, I would still carry you!" he added, "or do you want to camp in the woods?"

"Fine, thank you."

With her on his back, they arrived at the town in minutes. She was amazed at his speed. That was the power of a hashira.

"You want to put down our bags in an inn?" she asked and he agreed.
She showed him the inn she stayed with Senjuro last time and he went in first.

"You can wait here, I'll be back in a sec."

After he put down the bags, she leaded him towards the temple that was once a medical shop.

There wasn't any visitors, only a few people who cleaned this place.

"Natori, isn't that your name on that memorial board?" he whispered.

"Long story," she whispered back, "I tell you once we're outside."

He spotted a stand with a few notebooks for tourists on the side so he took one and read everything through.

Natori noticed this stand for the first time, so she joined him and they read the thin notebook together.

When they finished reading the cleaning people were gone so they were left alone in the temple.

"Now that we're alone, I also cam say it now." she then told her the story she told Senjuro once.
"I think they put my name there so I won't be forgotten. That was sweet of them. Let's go."

"Hm, you already want to go?" he asked.

"I saw my parents again and I believe they can rest too after today. Are you hungry? Let's go eat."

Before he followed her, he faced the two memorial boards with her parents name and gave his prayers, "Don't worry, I'll take good care of her!"
With that, he followed her outside.

At night, they returned to the inn and Natori waited for her key but never received one.

"Wait, are we sharing a room?"

"Why are you surprised? We're in a relationship now. I also bet you shared a room with Senjuro here."

"It's different, I see him as a sibling! Also it's not like we used the same futon, I slept on the table."

"Who said we're going to sleep in the same futon? I didn't know you were thinking this far, I don't mind!"

Her face turned red as a tomato, "No, you got it wrong!"

In their room, Kyojuro lied down first and seeing her cheeks were still red, he reassured her, "I was just joking with you. If you feel uncomfortable we can still sleep separately."

"But there's only one futon..."

"I can go ask for another one."

"No it's alright," she said shyly, "if you don't mind..."

"Like I said I don't mind!"
He made space for her and she lied down next to him, but she was still very nervous.

'I definitely can't sleep tonight...' she thought.

Some minutes later...

She fell asleep first but Kyojuro was still awake. He was nervous too and his heart was racing.

He turned to her sleeping figure. Even in her sleep, she looked stunning.
He pulled the blanket over her shoulders before closing his eyes too.


A few days after the trip, Kamane delivered a letter.

"Kamane! Long time no see!" Natori petted the crow while Kyojuro read the letter.

"A weeding invitation."

Natori gasped after she took a peek at the invitation, "Mitsuri and Obanai are getting married?! They were dating?!"

"You didn't know?"

"No! And you didn't tell me!"

"Because I thought you know."

"I have to get a gift for them!"

At the wedding, the bride Mitsuri was about to throw the bouquet and she was purposely throwing it at a specific direction.
Shinobu was chatting with Natori until she stepped aside.

"Why did you step back?" Natori asked and suddenly, the bouquet landed in her hands.

"Ara, congratulations Natori. Now you're going to be the next bride."

Her face turned deep red and her expression did not change.

"Whops, she turned into a statue." Shinobu laughed.

Tengen on the other hand, nudged his friend Kyojuro with his shoulder.
A large happy grin was presented on his face.

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