A Good Plan to a Bad One

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Trigger Warning: Graphic description of injury, blood, all that jazz. 

I forgot to publish this a couple days ago. I made it a little longer to make up for it! Hope you enjoy.


Jack hissed in pain once again as the whip hit his back again. He could feel his blood drip down his burned skin and onto the black floor. His neck was chained onto the floor with a Nightmare chain, long enough for him to sit but not enough to stand. Pitch had forced him on his knees a while ago, leaving his back exposed. Whenever he left the position, Pitch would start beating him until he got back up.

"So where are the Guardians, Jack?" Pitch asked and he lashed out another strike from the whip.

Jack bit his tongue to stop himself from screaming but couldn't stop the small whimper that left his lips.

"You're pathetic," Pitch snarled. "You will never be one of them." 

Another lash broke his skin.

Jack couldn't find enough strength to respond with anything when Pitch continued taunting him. He learned at the beginning that it would just put himself into more trouble if he said anything back.

"What did you do to become a Guardian?"

But the worse torture was how much Jack was forgetting. Jack couldn't remember the answer to the question. How did he get to be a Guardian other than Man in Moon just telling him he was one? How did he protect children instead of just killing them with every cold winter he started. Maybe the Guardians really were just forced to let him stay at the pole...

What Jack could remember was very little: He knew he had a family. One of his parents left, but he wasn't sure who. He also had a sibling. Maybe two. Or maybe none? Something happened one day...to one of them. Something bad. But he didn't know what. 

"Forgetting things, Frost?" 

Jack grit his teeth. Another lash hit his back, painfully harder than the last one. He let out a yelp and fell onto his stomach painfully. The Winter Spirit tried to use his elbows to get up only to fall back where he started, wheezing for breath. He was too exhausted to try and rise. 

Suddenly, Jack's head was pulled upward by his white hair. He hissed in pain and tried to pull himself out of the Nightmare King's grasp. 

"They aren't coming, Jack," Pitch whispered in his ear. Jack could feel his hot breath on his cheek. "They abandoned you."

The roots of Jack's hair started to sting when Pitch finally let go, letting Jack fall back onto the cold floor. He flipped onto his side and let his arm rest over his broken rib which seemed to be getting worse and worse. The chain clicked on the floor. 

Then Jack took a blow right in the gut. All the air rushed out of his lungs and he coughed for breath. Faintly, he could see that he was coughing up blood onto the floor. A concerning amount. 

"Just accept defeat," Pitch said simply. "I can still give you my offer."

Jack looked up at him through half lidded eyes confused.

"What goes together better than cold and dark?" Pitch said with a smirk. 

 Memories of last year came flying back at Jack. Antarctica. Pitch. Ice. And his...teeth? Wait, his memories. Sense when did he have memories? He was just Jack Frost. He made a mess wherever he went. He wasn't anyone  before he was Jack Frost. 

Somehow, he found his words. "I would never join you. Maybe the Guardians don't really want me, but Man in Moon still gave me the title of a Guardian. I protect children. I don't want them to fear me."

Revenge on Frost - Rise of the Guardians FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now