Childhood (2): Weakness

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"Sarah-chan!" A familiar voice shouted as Sarah looked back over. It was her friend, Naruto.

"Oh hey Naruto," Sarah said as she turned around, "What's up?"

"Sarah, you're never going to believe this! There's a new Ninja Wars movie out in theatres!" Naruto said as he held up a wrinkled up flyer, "We got to see this after school!"

Sarah nodded, "Alright. So we're sneaking in again?"

"Mhm, believe it!" Naruto responded as the duo walked towards the academy.

Sarah smiled, "Sounds like a plan."

It has been a few months since she arrived in this world and Sarah has loved every bit of it. Of course she has to deal with her fair share of bullies and people trying to target Naruto for some reason, but Sarah normally fought them off with nothing but her fists. She's been lectured enough by Iruka to know that violence isn't necessarily the answer, but Sarah really couldn't care less. She'll do anything to defend her friend.

Naruto's not exactly the best at studying or performing jutsus, but he's still quite the gutsy ninja. Always performing pranks, getting into fights, declaring that he'll one day become the next Hokage... Sarah couldn't have asked for a better friend.

Stepping into the classroom, Sarah and Naruto sat down at their respective seats as they watched their classmates chat amongst themselves. Of course there's oddballs like Sasuke, Shino, and Hinata that prefer to stay quiet, but that's pretty much the usual. Sarah and Naruto were always loud and boisterous, talking about any random topics that comes into their minds. People always thought that the duo were annoying, but Sarah couldn't care less about what people thought of her.

She once got into a fight with Kiba Inuzuka over him making fun of Naruto. The boy ended up with a broken nose and a shattered ego while Sarah made it out with a couple of bruises. Needless to say people haven't made fun of Naruto in her presence since.

"That one week of detention was totally worth it."

The class eventually quieted down once Iruka entered the room. Sarah really didn't bother to listen to the lecture, instead taking time time needed to perfect her seals. Naruto on the other hand was busy sleeping. Typical behavior at this point.

Once class got dismissed for recess, Naruto and Sarah decided to practice sparring by a tree. Taijutsu wasn't Naruto's biggest strong suit but Sarah oddly enough excelled at it. Landing another hit on Naruto with her fist, Sarah hopped back and dodged as Naruto attempted to hit him back. Sarah stepped aside and landed a nasty right hook to the blonde's jaw, sending him flying into the dirt.

A few of their classmates watched the duo spar. They've heard stories of Sarah's inhuman strength from Kiba, but they had yet to witness it themselves until now. Naruto tried to kick Sarah in her side but the lavender-haired girl blocked with her arm and used her remaining hand to form a fist and land a hit into Naruto's chest.

Sarah took a stance as she watched Naruto get up off the ground, his smile and determination still unwavering. She enjoyed sparring with the blonde; he never did went easy on her just because of her gender. He believed in equality, something Sarah seemed to agree with.

Before the duo could continue, Iruka came running up towards them and reprimanded them for fighting. Naruto tried arguing back but Sarah just dragged the blonde away. Apparently training during recess was forbidden.

Once the academy let out for the day, Sarah and Naruto made their way towards the movie theatre. Ninja Wars 2 was going to be airing any second now and the duo wanted to make sure they snuck in just in time to see it. They decided to take a short-cut through an alleyway, quickly making their way towards the movie theatre. Before the duo could make it they were quickly ambushed by a group of Chuunin.

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