Genin Days (4): The Land of Waves

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     Sarah didn't expect that being a Konoha ninja could be so boring. All her team ever did was errands around the village, nothing cool or exciting like she had been told or read in the books. Of course they were still fresh out of the academy Genin, despite graduation being LITERAL weeks ago; Sarah expected to go on a more entertaining mission by now, not chasing some damn cat around the village!

     It's a miracle that Tora the cat liked her so much, otherwise this mission could've taken them a while to finish. Naruto was all covered up in scratch marks, pouting as the group walked back to the Hokage Tower to return Tora back to his owner. Sarah was greatful for the paycheck she would be receiving from this; she planned on heading out later to buy some herbs.


     "Jiji I want to do a more exciting mission! Give us a different type of mission!" Naruto exclaimed as he flat out refused a D-Ranked mission.

     "Naruto-" Sarah was about to say something but was stopped by Kakashi.

     "You fool! You're still a freshly-ranked Genin! You can't just expect to move up the ladder so quickly without gaining experience from these missions!" Iruka responded as he chastised Naruto.

     "But it's been nothing but boring missions so far!" Naruto continued before being knocked onto the ground by Kakashi.

     "Knock it off."

     "Naruto, it seems that it's necessary for me to explain to you what a mission is..Listen to me; Requests pour into the village everyday. They range from babysitting to assasinations..." The Hokage explained.

     Sarah dozed off about half-way through his explanation. She wasn't particularly in the mood to hear any of this, especially since she's already read about this in a book. Hopefully this will knock some sense into her blonde-haired teammate.

     "You always lecture me on everything, Jiji. I'm   not the same prankster kid you thought I was; I'm a Genin of the Hidden Leaf now! I'm not a child anymore!" Naruto scoffed as he childishly crossed his arms and turned his back from the Hokage.

     "Naruto, you can't just disrespect the Hokage like that!" Sarah exclaimed.

     "Hmph!" Naruto responded.

     The Hokage chuckled, "Alright fine, since you insist...I'll have you take on a C-Ranked mission. You'll have to be bodyguards for a certain someone."

     "Yay!" Naruto cheered as he quickly turned around, "Who is it? A feudal lord? A princess?"

     "Calm down," Hiruzen said, "I'm about to introduce him."

     An old drunken man stepped out from the door nearby Hiruzen, clutching a bottle of alcohol in his hand as he stared unamused at Team Seven. Sarah could tell that this man was incredibly shady just by judging his posture; she wouldn't announce this to everyone of course, as she wanted to figure out what exactly the man was hiding. Curiosity was soon about to kill this cat..

     "What's this? They're all a bunch of super brats, especially the short one with the stupid looking face. Are you really a ninja?" The man spoke up.

     Naruto looked back and forth between Sarah and Sasuke, trying to figure out who he was talking to. Eventually he came to the conclusion that the old man was specifically singling him out, his face dropping down from excitement to annoyance. Sarah quickly restrained Naruto with one of her glyphs, incasing most of his body in ice.

     "I'll kill you!" Naruto shouted at the old man.

Sarah slammed her fist into Naruto's skull, "You can't just kill the man we're suppose to protect! Idiot!"

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