Chuunin Exams (3): The Forest of Death

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"Well...this place certainly is something." Sasuke looked up.

"Indeed. You'll find all sorts of dangerous creatures in there that you can extract for materials. All the herbs, snake venom..." Sarah giggled, "Gosh this place feels so cozy."

Naruto looked at her weirdly, "Of course you would say that. You're fucking weird enough as is, Sarah-Chan."

Sarah winked.

"What? You think I'm gonna be scared of some forest? That's nothing! I'm not afraid of that or your weird ass antics!" Naruto declared as he pointed over at Sarah.

Anko quickly appeared behind Naruto and scratched his face open with a kunai, licking up his blood as if it was some sort of fine delicacy. Sarah and Sasuke grimaced in disgust.

"Kids like you are always quick to be killed... Spraying that red blood that I love so much~"

A grass ninja walked up beside Anko and handed her back a kunai with her tongue. Sarah felt like she was about ready to vomit.

"A bunch of damn sickos here in this exam..."

Anko passed around some waivers for people to sign. Sarah quickly signed hers before passing it over back to Anko alongside everyone else. The woman explained that this test would be a survival one. They had to collect two scrolls and make it back to the tower within five days or else they'll be disqualified.

Sarah and her team eventually made it over and collected their scroll from the proctor. Team Seven quickly dashed off into the woods. Eventually they had to stop so Naruto could take a leak.

"Seriously?!? Of all times you could've chosen NOW just had to be the time for you to take a piss?" Sarah blushed furiously as she and Sasuke turned their backs to give their blonde teammate some privacy.

"Sorry Sarah-Chan, duty calls!" Naruto responded before finishing up, "All done."

Sarah quickly pulled out a seal and channeled her mana into it, "KATON: VINE CAGE!"

Swinging a bunch of vines over towards an opening, Sarah managed to catch three ninjas lurking nearby. Slapping a paralysis seal onto each of their foreheads, Sarah rummaged through their pockets in search for the other scroll.

"God damn it!" Sarah exclaimed.

"'re so cool Sarah-chan! How were you able to catch those guys?" Naruto asked her.

"Simple; I had a gut feeling," Sarah responded before getting up off the ground, "Just like I have one right NOW!"

Punching the ground with her fist, Sarah saw the grass ninja from before shot up and hopped away backwards. Sasuke quickly pulled out a kunai and stepped in front of Naruto. Suddenly a huge snake came up from behind them and swallowed Naruto whole.

Sarah's eyes widened.

" want my earth scroll right, since you guys have the heaven one?" The woman asked before swallowing the scroll whole, "Now let's begin the battle for each others scroll."

A huge wave of killing intent radiated from the woman. Sasuke quickly fell to the ground vomiting while Sarah stood there stoically. Naruto on the other hand was trying to process everything that had just happened.

"Hmm....interesting girl aren't ya?" The woman said.

Sarah just stared at her. Killing intent wasn't very effective on her due to having to face death already at such a young age.

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