Chuunin Exams (1): Intruders

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     "Eat shit sucker!" Sarah shouted as she slammed her fist into Naruto's face.

     Today was just an ordinary day for team seven. They did chores around the estate, finished up some D-ranked missions, and trained with their sensei.

     Life has been a lot better since they all moved in together. The trio has been going to therapy, their teamwork has improved, and Kakashi is even thinking about signing them up for the upcoming Chuunin exams.

     "Great job Sarah! Your strength has improved since the last time you two dueled," Kakashi commented.

     Sarah smiled, "Thanks!"

     Naruto was lying on the ground heavily beaten and bruised. Between Sarah and Sasuke, he didn't know who would be nicer to him during their sparring sessions. Both of them were incredibly strong and skilled, compared to him who was currently falling behind.

     Sarah bent down and started to heal Naruto's bruises, "Hey Naruto, you did good today."

     "Thanks Sarah-chan!" Naruto responded, "Could you maybe not punch me in the face next time?"

     "I make no promises," Sarah grinned as she sat Naruto's nose back in place. Naruto yelped in pain.

     "That fucking hurts!" Naruto rubbed his nose as Sarah finished tending to his wounds.

     "How can you ever become Hokage if you're not able to tolerate pain well?" Sasuke asked.

     "I'll fucking numb myself to pain in order to become Hokage, believe it!" Naruto declared as he did his signature peace sign.

     "You can't just numb yourself to pain, dobe." Sasuke pointed out.

     "I can and I will! Just watch me do it, teme!" Naruto retorted.

     Kakashi sighed, "Don't do anything stupid Naruto."

     "I'm not though." Naruto poured as he got off the ground.

     "Hmm...well there is actually a way to numb yourself to pain," Sarah grabbed a small scroll from her bag and pulled out a jar of venom, "Just drink some of this and it should do the trick!"

     "Sarah, where the hell did you get that?" Kakashi asked.

     Sarah shrugged, "You'd be surprised at what my summons bring back to me. Dead snakes are quite beneficial in more ways than one."

     "So if I drink this then I'll become completely immune to pain?" Naruto asks her.

     Sarah nodded, "Yep. Not giving it to you though since it is a type of poison."

     Naruto pouted.

     Sarah slipped the jar back into her scroll, "Trust me it's not worth it."

     "Ugh! How am I suppose to become Hokage if I can't even become immune to pain, much less be able to take you and the teme down in battle?" Naruto exclaimed.

     "Hmm..I think it's about time I incorporate jutsus into our training," Kakashi said as he dug into his bag. He pulls out three chakra induction papers, "Channel your chakra into this piece of paper and it'll tell you what your chakra nature is."

     Naruto and Sasuke took a piece of paper. Sarah on the other hand refused.

     "That won't be necessary!"

     "Why not?" Kakashi asked.

     "It just isn't," Sarah responded.

     "Come on Sarah-chan, don't you want to know your own chakra type?" Naruto asked her.

     Sarah shrugged, "Nope."

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