Genin Days (2): Team 7

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     Today was finally the day Sarah gets placed on a Genin team and needless to say she was excited. She didn't know what team she would be placed in or who her Jonin sensei would be; hopefully her teammates and sensei won't be a bunch of fucking idiots who would get her dragged into more trouble. That would be a nice change from her usual norm of having to put up with Naruto's shenanigans. She loved the blonde dearly but some days he was a pain in the ass to deal with.

     Sarah sat down beside Naruto at a desk and looked around the room. She noticed a few of her classmates were there waiting to be placed on their respective Genin teams.
     "Hm, where's Haruno Sakura?" Sarah asked as she looked around for the pinkette. She already knew the answer to her question, she just wanted to feign innocence in front of everyone.

     "Oh forehead failed the graduation exam so she's having to redo the year," a familiar voice responded.

     Ino Yamanaka was quite the beauty if Sarah had to say so for herself. Long blonde hair, crystal blue eyes, absolute confidence; her only downside would be the fact that she had a MAJOR crush on Sasuke Uchiha, another boy who was in her graduating class. She and Sakura Haruno were bitter rivals, always trying to out-do the other in any way they could.

     Sarah never understood the appeal in having a rivalry. She would just rather stick to her textbooks and focus on improving her skills over crushing on people. Knowing that Sakura failed the graduation exams must mean that she wasn't ready to become a Genin, which was a shame considering how much potential the girl had (not like she had anything to do with it).

     "Ah, that sucks," Sarah responded, "Send her my condolences."

     "I'm surprised that Naruto is even here," another boy in their graduating class, Shikamaru Nara, said as he walked over towards their table, "Didn't you also fail the graduation exam?"

     "Hey, I just graduated late is all!" Naruto exclaimed as he pointed up to the Leaf headband sitting on top of his forehead, "Don't you see this headband? It means that I'm an official ninja of the Leaf!"

     Shikamaru just looked at him with the most bored expression on his face.

     "How can I put it; this headband really does suit me!" Naruto grinned as Sarah just rolled her eyes. At least he's having fun.

     Sarah watched as a bunch of girls, Ino included, started to surround Sasuke's table. Sasuke seemed unbothered by this, trying to keep a level head and aloof expression on his face. She couldn't say the same thing for Naruto, who immediately hopped onto Sasuke's table and began staring at the raven up close.

     "Oh great, here we go again," Sarah thought. Judging by the expression on both of their faces, it seems a bitter rivalry was in the makings.

     Another boy brushed up against Naruto's back, forcing the duo into an awkward kiss. Sarah bursted out laughing, watching everyone's horrified expressions from around them. This was comedic to her; Naruto and Sasuke kissing. Sarah suddenly wished she had a camera now so she could capture this moment and use it for blackmail. That would be great.

     The two boys immediately started gagging. Sarah continued to laugh hysterically as she watched all the girls scream in terror over their crush's first kiss being stolen by Uzumaki Naruto out of all people.

     "Not funny Sarah-chan!" Naruto exclaimed as he pointed up at her.

     "Then why did you get up close to his face to begin with, ne?" Sarah asked him.

     "I-I was just observing, that's all!" Naruto defended himself.

     Sarah rolled her eyes, "Sure didn't seem like it."

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