05. May 14th, 1940

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Just to Clarify: It's been two days since the evening date with the Hawthorne girl and Beaumont has never felt so alive. He doesn't believe this is real. How could he if all his life he has been nothing but disappointment. He doesn't know how to feel but at the same time he does.

He knows for starters that he wants to try for this girl. She isn't like the others he has dated. This one... this one feels real. He feels he doesn't have to fake it and he doesn't have to lie to get what he wants. For once he wants to be himself and not a fake version of himself.

He wants this, he wants her.

However, he's had a terrible past. He has loved too hard before so he strayed single and just fucked. No strings attached. He knows it's not right but he can't do strings because people in this generation don't appreciate that kind of love anymore. But that process of putting himself first has gone out the window and he's currently back to square one.

He's swooning over the angelic beauty that's sitting on the couch near the bookshelf he is sticking books. He can feel her presence. It's silly he knows but he can feel her stares, her sneaky touches and the sound of her soft breathing. The flicker of her lashes as she peaks over the book and how the rustle of her dress shifts on the couch.

Today she wears a corset with lilac blue oil textured marks. She had used a spade to layer the corset with these pastel colours. Her fabric dress is white with a lacy material sitting upon it. What had captured his eyes was the blend of the corset to the white dress.

Even though it's a two piece set, the corset sits perfectly in her that the blending smoothes evenly on to the white dress. To top it off, she wears her brown platforms as usual. An article of clothing that Beaumont had seen on her plenty of times. Ever since he had met her, he still gets amazed at her outfit choices.

Evelyn Hawthorne is different. She's clichely different then the rest. She's different, because she's real. She's different, because she's un-filtered and unguarded. She's different because she's unafraid - unafraid to put herself out there. She's unafraid of being an open book.

And shes unafraid to show the world who she truly is. An artist. She's different because she's original. She's different because she's unique and authentic. She's different because Evelyn mixes craziness with class, and confidence with vulner-ability.

But especially she's different because she's free, she's unbothered, she's unaffected and she doesn't care about a persons opinion. Evelyn Hawthorne is just different. She's different in so many ways and Beaumont admires her greatly.

Evelyn is like an artistic story. Beaumont wants to unleash the story to find out more. She is artwork in real life. Beaumont could admire that forever. He finds comfort in being in her pre-sence as nothing is forced, it's just natural.

He feels he can be himself but because he knows he cares for this girl and want to one day ask her out to be official. He's nervous, he can feel the link tint littering ok his face. He can feel his hand tingle with nerves at the fact that Evelyn Haw-thorne had wanted to get to know him.

She wanted to give him a try.

"Why you look so nervous, Beaumont?" He hears her voice say out loud from behind as he stops his stance at placing a book on the shelf.

He breathed in slightly, before turning his head over his shoulder to give her a tilted look. "Who says I'm nervous?"

"It's alright to be nervous." She said.

"Why?" He heard himself say.

"I feel nervous talking to you right now." She whispers softly, fiddling with her ring.

"Why, am I that frightening?" He reused her words from a few days ago.

There was a small quirk of her lip turn up at that retort, before it's gone with a blink of an eye. "Do I make you uncomfortable?" Evelyn questioned, pursing her lips together, sitting up straighter on the couch.

"No." Beaumont answers straight away, making Evelyn eyebrows raise. "No, you make me curious, Ms Evelyn." He replies, making his way towards her, kneeling down in front of her with confidence he didn't know he processed when she is around.

But in Evelyn's head, even though Beaumont said it so carefully and softly. It was his deep voice that pitches darker, his eyes too. He knows, a voice whispers in Evelyn's hear, he knows there's something going on, just like you do him.

Evelyn can't fathom how Beaumont knows, but she doesn't want to ask because that gives herself away if he doesn't end up knowing anything at all. Instead she relaxes her tense shoulders and gives Beaumont a charming smile, taking his hand in hers.

"And why is that? Is it my beautiful looks or carefree personality?" She asks genuinely, rubbing her thumb on his hand without even realising. Beaumont looks down at their joint hands and his body lights up on fire.

Her touch is so comforting that she feels like home.

He shakes away the thought, clearing his throat before a small laugh escapes his lips, the sound unlike Evelyn's ever heard before. It's pretty, and it makes Evelyn grin since it suits Beaumont so much. That is how Evelyn wishes straight away that she wanted to hear it again.

"You're so different than anyone I've met. I'm usually good at guessing what people feel or want, but with you it is as if I'm trying to grasp after smoke." Beaumont drawls out lowly, again his eyes drawing Evelyn in.

Ignoring the warning bells sounding, Evelyn leans forward and taunts the young male with a devilish grin. "I'm not someone you get to know easily Mister McKinley."

Beaumont looks thrilled with Evelyn's words, eyes dancing with dangerous mischief. "I like a challenge." He whispers, leaning in as their lips brush together. She smirks against him, eyes holding the same intentions as the young male.

However, before she could taunt him once again, the shrill of the stores cheap bell cuts their moment off. It takes Evelyn a second to realise where she originally is or what's happening. Beaumont sitting so close to her, their bodies leaning towards each other, they're almost touching and they haven't even realised.

Beaumont allows his lip to tip up slightly at her pink tinted blush on her cheeks before moving himself away from her. He feels his brain start to function normally again, and his flirty persona to leave him as he stands right back up on to his feet. He gives Evelyn one last look before turning towards the older couple that walked in a few moments ago.

When Beaumont moved away, he felt a pull to bring him right back to her but he doesn't follow the metallic force. He puts on a charming smile, and greets the older couple to what they are looking for while Evelyn curses into herself for losing another game of hers once again.

She watches Beaumont help the couple, her eyes dancing with the same dangerous mischief he had held moments ago. She feels her heart pound in her ears, her hands tingling with excitement at the fact that she finally found someone who can hold her game.

She believes she underestimated the McKinley male as he isn't as innocent and sweet as he showcases himself to be. No, he's far more dangerous than she can image and she is thrilled with this utter excitement at that fact. She wants to read every single page of this males story, she wants to uncover the depths of his soul to who he truly is.

She only hopes that the war doesn't catch up to them, not until she finally gets the chance to tell the truth. The many secrets that Evelyn Hawthorne holds deep inside of her. She only hopes once again, that he'll one day love her for who she is and not what she is displayed with underneath.

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