Chapter 7: Promises in Khâzad-dum

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Winyara walked slowly by Disa's side, while the princess of Khâzad-dum gave her a bit of a tour throughout the inner sanctum that was the mountains. The elf maiden was walking beside her and maintained a comfortable silence, as Disa excitedly explained elements of her culture in great detail. "Oh my stars, I've been talking this whole time, haven't I?"Disa said, as she laughed. "Sorry, it's just that I really wanted to give you a proper welcome, especially since you've never been here before."

Winyara chuckled for a moment, as she looked up at the waterfall ."There is no need for apologies of any sort, fair lady,"She said reassuringly. "In fact, I rather enjoyed listening to talk about it! The way that your people have created such amazing infrastructure shouldn't be understated by any means. Also the bridges and paths we have walked on, seeing the ways the jewels and other forms of metal, have been woven into parts of the mountain as if it were designs on fabric was nothing short of delightful! "
"Ever you are so kind" Disa said, as she patted her hand."I was born and raised inside these mountains, and still continue to live here alongside the dwarves by the grace of Aüle himself. Even still, that I am an adult, still I can't help but be in awe of its sheer beauty."

Winyara nodded, her explanation causing her to be reminiscent of her home, which resides in the forests of Lorien. "This place is simply breathtakingly gorgeous, my lady"Winyara said, bowing momentarily before rising to her full height once more."I pray for a time where I can invite you to my home in Lothlorien, that I would make you feel as welcome as you have thus far."

Disa smiled softly as they sat next to each other on this elegant stone bench, truly taking her words to heart. “I've never really felt the need to venture outside, to see what's beyond these mountain walls”She said.”The world out there seems so large, and intimidating so full of mystery and danger. We are not like the elves, such journeys would take ages, we tend to grow tired faster. For you, I'd be willing to step outside my comfort zone.”

Winyara placed her hand over her heart and nodded ever so slightly. “That it is most gracious of you to say princess of Khazad-dum, truly my elvish ears have never been so blessed to hear such high praise as that”Winyara said.”As old as I am, as long as my people have walked and lived throughout out this sacred Middle Earth, I do not think we to be any better than dwarves nor the race of men nor any living breathing creature. I think that we all possess knowledge, wisdom and endurance for different things. Sure I do not experience exhaustion in the way of the common folk, but I am quite unaware of what it's like to live in the mountains, how to mine for precious jewels and metals, or how to speak Khûzdul.”

The pair sat in a comfortable silence for a moment, just grateful to be in such genuinely good company. Afterwards, Disa and Winyara were chatting, sharing laughs here and there when suddenly Thilvon reappeared, bowing slightly before them before standing upright once more. “Disa my lady, the king father of Durin the IV requests the presence of the elf and yourself ”He said. Winyara pondered to herself, “Why would the king want to meet with me? Did Disa inform him of my arrival, or was my coming a surprise?”She brushed those questions off, rising to her full height standing proudly in her floor length olive green dress. The gown was shoulderless yet long sleeved, with a crown of silver and rich blue flowers lay atop her head, her long hair flowing behind her.

”Very well Thilvon, let us go to the king”She said. Together, Winyara, Disa, walked behind Thilvon who led them throughout the many paths in Khazad-dum. Eventually, they arrived at these massive ornate doors with golden handles that had curves to them. He then proceeded to open the door, allowing them to walk inside first. “Presenting Disa, princess of Khazad-dum and her guest before the royal court,” Thilvon said. There were several gasps of pure shock, many whispering to each other in combinations of the common tongue and Khuzdul at the reason behind an elf appearing in their inner sanctum. “Very well” The king said to Thilvon, who bowed, then took his leave by exiting the room, closing the doors behind him. He turned to face the elf, completely feeling apprehensive and suspicious. For the relations between elves and dwarves were fraught in those times. “Who are you, and what business do you have here in the mountains?” He inquired.''Speak loudly and clearly “

Winyara  took a few steps forward towards his throne, and gently curtsied bowing her head. “I am Winyara,  daughter of Celeborn and Galadriel from Lothlorien” She replied. “I am only here because Disa graciously extended an invitation to show me Moria, a gift that I do not take lightly. I have no desire for precious metals or gemstones, only that my friendship with her would continue to blossom, like it were a lily in the springtime. “

King Durin III was surprised at her revelation, but externally did not let it show maintaining a neutral expression. The chatter amongst the royal court and citizens of Moria were silenced, as he waved his hand.”When I was just a wee lad, my father and mother told me the story of how my people were created,”He said. I wonder if you even possess knowledge of such matters.”

Winyara nodded.”Even when I was just a young elf, I remembered running around asking why relations between elves and dwarves were so strained,”She said.”Erú had been arguing with Aüle, insisting that the dwarves should remain in a deep slumber, casting their dormant life aside after the elves had been awoken for they didn't consider dwarves to be children of the Ilûvitar. Ever there has been discord between our people, even before our creation.”

King Durin III stroked his lengthy beard that had streaks of gray and white for a moment while he mulled silently over her words. “You are very wise beyond your years, daughter of Galadriel and you have treated Disa well, for which I am grateful”He said.”You know of our creation, how strained the relationships between dwarves and elves are. Why should I trust you?”

Winyara was hanging onto his every word up until the moment he asked that question. Her silence was a symbol of respect for the king and reflection upon his words. Winyara would be remiss to ignore how utterly fraught, and borderline nonexistent the relationships were between them. However, with consistency through words and following through on actions, the elf maiden was certain that anything was possible. “Durin III, king of the dwarves in Khazad-dum I just want to reaffirm that your feelings are true, I am a stranger to you giving you know real reason to trust me”She answered.”There are elves who have no respect for dwarves that work hard to mine for gems, nor the rich history and culture that your people have. Certain elves come off as cold and uncaring, and have developed a lot of pride and arrogance probably as a result of our long life spent on Middle Earth. I know, I can't undo the maltreatment you have certainly faced, but I can one day gain not just your trust, but your respect as well.”

King Durin III was completely moved, by her acknowledgement of it all and her willingness to work on this relationship, in a way that would be restorative and hopefully long lasting.”You are an interesting one”He said.”Only time will tell if you can live up to it and honor your word.”

Winyara rose to her height, bowed one last time before departing the throne room with Disa by her side. Though she could tell Durin III did not completely trust her, Winyara felt that what happened in the midst of that meeting was a good start. As the sounds of their footsteps walking along the stone paths of Moria echoed in the halls, Winyara couldn't help but let out a soft chuckle feeling the happiness and serenity from within the very depths of her soul.

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