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Remus felt his body hit a wall, Grayback had taken him to an abandoned looking house. Where the hell could they be? His nerves only worsened when he felt the dark wizard approaching his back.

- Let's get the rules straight, cub - the wicked werewolf said softly. The use of the normally affectionate name made Remus wince - I tell you what to do, if you do it right, you don't get punished. If you do it wrong, I'll make you wish you didn't. Agreed?

Remus nodded, only to be pressed further into the wall.

- Words, Lupin, use words when responding to me - Grayback growled, Remus thought that the man would slit his throat open if he didn't cooperate.

- y-yes... - his voice failed him.

- Yes, what?

- yes m-master? - at that answer, the dark wizard grinned madly and grabbed Remuse's shoulder, forcing him down to his knees.

The smaller male was terrified. He had hoped that he would have a little more time before Grayback did something to him. Apparently, he was wrong. He kept his eyes downcast and tried not to cower away as he heard a zipper being opened. His chin was grabbed forcefully by the other werewolf, who brought his cock next to Remuse's mouth.

- If you bite me, cub, it will be the last thing you'll do - his tone showed no mercy at all, Remus could only gulp before saying submissively:

- y-yes master.

Grayback gripped the man's hair to keep his head still, at the same time, forcing Remus to keep looking at him. In a blink of an eye the dark wizard's cock was on Remuse's lips and as soon as he opened them a little bit, the member was shoved inside with full force. Remus tried with all his might not to gag, his eyes filled with tears as the man trusted into his mouth. This was done for a few minutes until Grayback came inside and then pulled out, closing Remuse's lips with his hand so he would have to swallow everything.

At this point the smaller werewolf was already crying silently, it didn't help when the other man tugged on his hair again and made him stand. He was shoved against the wall once more, but this time Grayback forcefully removed Remuse's pants and underwear, making him cower closer to the wall wile trying to cover himself. The dark wizard grabbed the man's wrists and held them on his back immobilising Remus further, that way the poor werewolf was completely exposed to Grayback's will. More tears fell from Remuse's eyes and now he couldn't keep quiet sobs from escaping, he was going to die there, raped and alone, his hope of being saved vanishing quickly.

There was a movementbehind Remus, and before he could process it correctly, he felt Grayback entering him. He screamed and screamed as the other werewolf pounded into him without giving him time to adjust. Black spots started appearing in his vision, there was so much pain, he couldn't take it much longer, as he was about to pass out, he felt Grayback cuming in him. Remuse's body hit the floor as hiscapturer let go of him, he could only see the lupine glow on the man's eyes before blacking out completely.


- WHAT DO YOU MEAN REMUS HAS BEEN MISSING FOR FIVE DAYS??!!?!!!??! - Harry was furious, Sirius had just told him that Remus had not been seen since before the order meeting, neither had sent any letters explaining his whereabouts.

- Pup, please! - Sirius tried to calm him down - Dumbledore and I didn't want to worry you, we started looking for him the following day, we just thought that you deserved a little rest after being with the Dursleys all summer.

- Have you found anything? Any hints? - Harry seemed distressed.

- Unfortunately not, but we are doing what we can...

- IT'S CLEARLY NOT ENOUGH! - Harry exploded - You don't understand Padfoot, Moony is very important to me.... I can't lose him.

It was true that the boy had developed some feelings for the werewolf in the last two years, at first, he didn't understand them correctly. But now that Remus was gone, he realized that these feelings were different from fraternal love.

- I know, pup... I'm worried too - Sirius sighed - tonight is the full moon, I just hope he is safe enough to transform...


At the abandoned house, low growls and whimpers could be heard. Remus had been chained to a wall and was starting his transformation, he never felt so afraid of the process before. He was much weaker than usual since Grayback didn't give him any food and he was covered in bruises and wounds from the raping sessions. He had lost track of time and at this point, he just wanted to die, nobody would come for him, he was just a disposable werewolf after all. Already in his wolf form, Remus retracted himself as much as he could, even without wolfsbain, he didn't feel the need to run or howl or anything at all, he just wanted to be left alone.

The door of the room opened, to reveal a much larger werewolf coming in. If Grayback was bigger than Remus in his human form, as a werewolf he was duble his size at least. The ginormous monster growled at the smaller one before running towards him and holding him down with his mandibles, Remus whined as Grayback acted on pure instinct and asserted dominance over him, that meaning, biting, scratching, cutting and eventually fucking. This torture lasted the hole night, it was only when they started to turn back to their human forms that Grayback left Remuse's bloodied body alone, at this point Remus was nearly dead, his breathing was slow and pained, he didn't move from the position he was left in, he just wished he was dead.

The dark wizard felt satisfied with what he had done, finally he was able to fulfil his desires over the insignificant man and now was just a matter of time before the pathetic excuse of a werewolf died, he wold have a great meal later. However, now he had to leave, the dark lord wished to speak with him. If by the time he got back his pet was not dead, he would kill him himself.

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