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Harry woke up the next morning to find Remus still perfectly comfortable in his arms. Even in his sleep, the man was clinging to him quite tightly, and once Harry tried to move, Remus protested quietly by tightening his grip around his arm even more. After five minutes of trying to get free, the boy just accepted his fate. So, instead of trying to get up, Harry gave small kisses to the top of Remuse's head, which made him stir a bit before humming contently.

- Are you awake, Remy? - Harry spoke softly, slightly surprising himself by the use of the more loving nickname.

- not quite... - came the quiet response. His voice sounded so tired, but less sad than yesterday.

- Are you in any pain? Do you need anything? - the boy asked as he hugged the man from behind, once more getting slightly distracted by his sweet scent.

- Whatever Poppy did to me yesterday, helped a lot - Remus didn't quite know why Harry was hugging him that way, but he liked it, he felt safer like that - A few things still hurt, but I think I could get up more easily today.

- That is great, Remy - the boy kissed the back of Remuse's head again - That means that you don't have to be locked up in here the whole day, a little sunlight will do you good.

The man tensed a bit in Harry's arm. That did not go unnoticed.

- What's wrong? - he asked softly.

- what if I get out and something happens? - Remus voice came trembling, it sounded like he was holding back tears.

- Hey, remember what I said yesterday? About protecting you? - when Remus nodded, he continued - It was a promise that I will keep. If someone do as much as approach you, I'll make sure to send them to Azkaban myself.

Truth be told, Harry would kill anyone that tried to take Remus from him, but he didn't want to scare the man by saying anything violent for the time being.

- What do you think about us going after some breakfast? - Harry loosened his grip around the werewolf so he could get up.

- could we make pancakes? - Remus asked shyly.

- Of course, Remy.

Harry stood up easily and went around the bed to help the man stand if he needed. Remus sat in the bed and made a face, upon seeing concern shine on Harry's face, he was quick to explain that he was still in a bit of pain but he would manage to get up. However, that just made the boy narrow his eyes at him and not allow him to walk by himself.

A few minutes later, the two got to the kitchen, Harry was right about not letting Remus walk by himself as more than once the man had needed to put some weight on his shoulders for balance. The boy made the werewolf sit by the table and started to collect ingredients to cook the pancakes. Remus just kept watching him, as if his eyes were glued onto Harry, it was only when Sirius appeared in the kitchen that his attention shifted from him.

- Harry, Moony! - he said as he happily gave Remus a hug. The werewolf noticed the death glare Harry shot Sirius with, but as soon as the man let go of him, it was gone - Good to see you felt good enough to come to breakfast!

- Harry helped me downstairs... - Remus spoke quietly.

- There you go! - the boy put a plate of pancakes in the middle of the table, on other dishes were some fruits, butter, powdered sugar and maple syrup so they could put whatever they liked on the pancakes.

- Thank you, Harry - the two said together.

They ate in a comfortable silence and once they were done, Harry took Remus to the library so the man could read a bit and he could talk to his godfather about his own furry little problem.

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