Chapter XII: Lunch break

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The bell indicating the start of lunch break rang. Students were getting ready to leave and it was the same for a certain blue haired girl. She was stealing glances at the boy sitting next to her, the reason, the incident in the morning where she found her neighbor and her friend in a compromising position. It didn't help that he missed homeroom and part of the first class. She had a theory of why he was absent but the sole thought made her blush.

'Come on, Haruka, you can't think of your friends like that, you're not a pervert.' She told herself for the untempt time. However, just like the other times, it had no effect. She could only smile bitterly, no matter what, she couldn't forget what she saw, her friend had probably attacked her neighbor (not really), why else would she be on top of him?

Haruka really wished she hadn't entered that room, now she couldn't see her friend like before. To her eyes, she was akin to a wolf in sheep's clothing, Kiyotaka was just an innocent victim of her friend's carnal desires. 'I need to find the truth.' She would like to believe in her friend's innocence but she couldn't ignore what she had seen with her own eyes.

However there was a small problem, just stealing glances at him was enough to make her blush, so how could she even think about talking to him. Haruka thought of giving up but her desire to find the truth was stronger. "K-Kiyopon, do you want to have lunch together?" She was still a bit flustered.

"Sorry, I already made plans with Shiina." Kiyotaka was playing with his phone, sending a text to Mahiru that he was going to pick her up. "You can join us though. I don't think Shiina would mind."

'Can I come too?' Airi didn't want to be left out. Sadly she couldn't muster the courage to speak it out loud.

As if reading her mind, Kiyotaka spoke. "You can come too, Sakura." Having two extra people would help lighten the mood. He didn't want to repeat what had happened during breakfast.

"Thank you!" She was delighted. "But won't I be a bother?"

He sent another text to Mahiru, a second later he got a reply "Shiina says that is fine, she's also bringing two friends. She also asked if you could save a table for six."

"You can count on us Kiyopon." Haruka stood and walked towards Airi. "Me and Ricchan would find a good place."

"Good. Then I'll be going to pick up Shiina, I'll see you at the cafeteria." With those parting words he left the classroom.


The path towards Class B was short-lived and in no time he found himself inside the classroom where he was given curious looks from the remaining students there though some of the girls were smiling mischievously at him, specially a purple haired girl.

Suddenly he felt like he was walking into a trap, the closer he got the easier it was to discern the apologetical look on Mahiru's face. 'What's she worried for?' Kiyotaka wondered. He didn't think there were things that could endanger him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16 ⏰

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