Eggplant Problem

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As Y/N started to wake up, he noticed Neptune sleeping by him. His eyes widened in shock as he blushed. He certainly didn't remember her sleeping here with him last night. Neptune started to wake up as well. Y/N was about to panic.

Neptune: Good morning, Y/N. Slept well?

Y/N: Neptune, what are you doing in here?! Did you sleep here all night?!

Neptune: Yeah, I didn't want to get lonely so I thought I sleep here with you.

Y/N: Can I please get up?

Neptune: I wanted to stay like this a bit longer but okay. She got up and out of bed.

Y/N: Please don't make this a habit.

Neptune: No promises.

Nepgear: Morning, Y/N

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Nepgear: Morning, Y/N. Are you up yet? She called as she entered the room.

She saw Neptune in there with as Nepgear grew red.

Neptune: Hey Nep Jr. Come to join us?

Nepgear: Ineedtogomakebreakfast! She quickly closed the door.

Y/N: Why did you have to do that? as he's flustered.

Neptune: It's fun teasing you.


Y/N and Neptune went to the kitchen to get breakfast. When Nepgear finished making it, Y/N started to explain about earlier this morning.

Nepgear: Oh, that's what happened. Sorry, I got the wrong idea.

Y/N: It's alright. Just glad we sorted it out. She giggled in response.

Nepgear: You know, this is actually the first time we had a male friends much less having one living with us.

Y/N: Really? Though he was aware that there weren't many male characters in the series.

Neptune: Yeah, most of the ones we run into are either bad guys or pervs maybe both.

Y/N had his head down depressed.

Y/N: Why does that make me feel out of place here?

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Y/N: Why does that make me feel out of place here?

Nepgear: Don't let it get to you. We're happy to see you here.

Keyblade Wielder in Gamindustri (Harem x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now