Subplot: A day with IF and Compa

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Y/N, Neptune, and Nepgear were currently having breakfast this morning. Compa and IF were also invited.

Nepgear: What do you think of Planeptune so far?

Y/N: I like it, it's a lot more advanced than the place I'm from. I would like to see the other nations someday.

Neptune: Aw, are you getting sick of us already?

Y/N: No, it's not like that at all. I just want to visit the other nations one day.

Nepgear: Yeah, I like going to Lastation sometimes and seeing Uni. I wonder how that other girl is doing.

Y/N: You mean Xion? I hope they're getting along well there.

Compa: Me too. I'd like to know more about her more myself.

Nepgear: You should also see Lowee and meet Blanc and her sisters. You may like them though Ram and Rom tend to go overboard with their pranks.

Y/N: I might one day. Let's not forget Leanbox, I want to see that place too.

Neptune: No! You can't go to Leanbox!

Y/N: Why not?

Neptune: If you go to Leanbox and meet Vert, you may not come back.

Y/N: What makes you say that?

Neptune: What if Vert tries to seduce you with her big chest? It's bad enough she tries to steal my sister. I can't let her take you away from me too.

He blushed at her explanation.

IF: Hey Y/N, are you busy today?

Y/N: I was going to do some quests. Why?

IF: I was wondering if you and I could I don't, hang out today? As thanks for saving me? She said as she blushed a little.

Y/N: Oh. Uh, sure.

Neptune: What's this? Are you asking Y/N on a date? She teased.

IF: It's not a date! She exclaimed as her face grew redder.

Compa: Can I come with as well?

IF: Actually, I wanted it to just be me and Y/N.

Compa: But you said it wasn't a date so that means I can spend time with N/N too.

She sighed in defeat.

IF: Alright, fine.

Compa: This will be fun. She said as she smiled.

IF: Let's meet outside of the Basilicom at 1:00. Will that be alright?

Y/N: Sure. Look forward to it.

They smiled.


Y/N was waiting for a few minutes after 1:00 outside of the Basilicom. He was wondering when IF and Compa were going to show up.

Compa: Sorry to keep you waiting, N/N.

He turned around and saw IF and Compa.

He turned around and saw IF and Compa

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