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???: Huh? Who dares to interrupt my "me" time?

???: Huh? Who dares to interrupt my "me" time?

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???: Oh, I see. You readers are wondering what I'm doing here. Well, Slicks, Geno has something special for this story and that involves me! I wonder if you can guess what it'll be...before it's too late! UEE-HEE-HEE!

The mysterious person steps away from the camera to reveal a shadow of what seems to be a boy unconscious before "Y/N" steps into the frame.

"Y/N": Now, we can't have you Slicks know that I'm here so, I'm deleting this camera footage so that no one can find this, besides, filling the Keyblade wielder's shoes shouldn't be too hard. If those CPUs can't tell the difference between me and him, they're even dumber than I thought!

Keyblade Wielder in Gamindustri (Harem x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now