Subplot: Playing With Rom and Ram

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Y/N was seen outside of Lowee's Basilicom drinking a cup of water before getting ready to sing.

Y/N: *Singing* I only need you to run with me today! You can stand up and fight, or be afraid! It's your choice. When we're together we've got nothing to fret, 'cause the only way to live a life with any regrets, is if you never knew it's easy as you want it to be... so stay within that box or set yourself free, for me! Let the sound of it guide you! The beautiful sound, that stems from the depth of your soul. We're here to stay, we'll never go away! We see the brave tomorrow and best the challenges today... Today!

Clapping was heard as he turned around and Blanc, Rom, and Ram watching him.

Y/N: H-How long were you standing there? He asked, flustered.

Blanc: Long enough.

Ram: We didn't know you could sing!

Y/N: Well, I mostly sing to my little sister to calm her down. He looked down when he finished.

Rom: Are you okay?

Y/N: Yeah...just thinking. He said, trying to change the subject.

Blanc could see how much Y/N misses his family until she got an idea to cheer him up.

Blanc: Y/N, why don't you spend some time playing with Ram and Rom?

Y/N: Huh?

Ram: Yeah, you did promise you would play with us soon!

Y/N smiles a bit.

Blanc: I need to go do some work, please don't make a ruckus.

Y/N: I'll try.

Blanc went inside the Basilicom while Y/N and the twins played hide and seek but unknown a strange drone was watching and flew off somewhere.

Y/N: Now, where could those two be hiding?

He started searching the area for the twins but had no luck.

Y/N: Where did they go?

???: I found you!

Y/N turned around to see a girl with long sandy-brown hair teal eyes and a bright pink bow on top of her head with a skull in the center along with red lining and white frills on the end. She wears a matching bright pink Lolita-style dress accompanied by numerous white frills in layers and a red bow in the center with yet another skull. On her legs are light pink stockings with bright pink ankle-high boots with red ribbons in the center.

 On her legs are light pink stockings with bright pink ankle-high boots with red ribbons in the center

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Y/N: I'm sorry, who are you?

Abnes: I'm Abnes, the protector of the children. I know your true intentions, you fiend!

Y/N: What are you talking about?

Abnes: I know you plan to do bad things to the CPU Candidates of Lowee, so I'm protecting them from you!

Y/N: Look, I'm just their friend. So give them back or... *Summons his keyblade* I'll make you.

Abnes: Are you threatening me?

Y/N: If you're putting my friends in danger, then yes.

Abnes: I won't stand for this! *Whistles*

Suddenly, heartless appeared surrounding Y/N, making him get into a fighting stance.

Y/N: You can control them?!

Abnes: Neat trick, right? Some guy in a black coat taught me that.

Y/N: Of course.

One of the heartless tried to attack Y/N but he dodged in time and then countered. Y/N used Thundara to wipe out the weaker heartless leaving only the strong ones.

Y/N: Damn. Not good. Might need some help. Summon Shard!

A bright light appeared next to Y/N as a robot appeared next to him.

A bright light appeared next to Y/N as a robot appeared next to him

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Shard: What seems to be the problem?

Y/N: There's a lot of bad guys and I don't know take them on myself.

Shard: No problem. This should be a piece of cake!

Shard charged his arm cannon and blasted energy shots at some heartless while Y/N slashed the rest. Soon, there were no more heartless.

Shard: Alright, that's all of them.

Y/N: Now. *Looks at Abnes* Where are Ram and Rom?

Abnes: Like I'll tell you!

Shard interrupts her by aiming his arm cannon at her with a cold stare on his face.

Shard: If you don't bring Ram and Rom this instant, I'll blast your head off, got it?

Abnes: G-Got it! You won't hear from me again, I promise!

Shard: Good.

Abnes left to retrieve the twins while Y/N was just shocked by what Shard did.

Y/N: Woah, what was that about?

Shard: *Sighs* I don't like it when people kidnap others just to prove something, I should know.

Y/N: Hey, look at me, Shard. You may have been built to be a killing machine but you rebelled against your code and now you have friends that care about you.

Shard: Thanks, I needed to hear that man.

Rom: Big brother Y/N!

Ram: Who's the robot?

Y/N: Oh, this is Shard. Shard, say hello to Ram and Rom.

Shard: Hi there, nice to meet you.

Rom: Hello.

Ram: You look so cool!

Shard: Thanks. Hey, what do you two wanna be when you grow up?

Ram: I want to be a CPU just like big sis!

Rom: Me too.

Shard: Well, I think the both of you will be great CPUs when you grow up. You have a lot of potential, I can tell.

Ram: You really think so?

Shard: Of course, in fact, the two of you remind me of a good friend of mine. She may have been young but she was a very brave girl.

Rom: What's her name?

Shard: *Smiles* Her name was Cream The Rabbit. Well, I'll be seeing you later.

Shard disappears as the twins and Y/N go inside the Basilicom to rest.

A/N: Sorry for the short subplot but I hope you enjoyed it nonetheless.

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