Subplot: Hanging Out With Neptune

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Y/N was watching Neptune play her latest game. She's been at it for hours since this morning.

Y/N: Hey Neptune, shouldn't we start collecting Shares by now?

Neptune: We will. Just let me play one more level.

Y/N: You said that the last three levels ago.

Neptune: I promise, this will be the last level for sure.

Histoire: Neptune!

Neptune: Oh! Hey Histy.

Histoire: How long have you been playing?! She said in an angry tone.

Neptune: Um, 10 minutes? She lied, nervously.

Histoire: Y/N, how long?!

Y/N: A few hours! He answered as he was intimidated by her.

Neptune: Y/N, why?!

Y/N: I had to be honest.

Histoire: No more playing until you've got enough Shares.

Neptune: But-

Histoire: Abababababa. Get Shares now!

Y/N: We should go.

Neptune: Yeah, I don't Histy to get more Pissy.

Neptune quickly turned off the game console and the two left to work on a quest together.


Neptune and Y/N worked on a few quests to gain Shares. It was easy for them to handle. Neptune also enjoyed doing quests with Y/N. They were about to head back to the Basilicom.

Neptune: That was fast. Guess we finished those quests more quickly than we thought.

Y/N: Yeah, we must have picked some simple quests today.

Neptune: It does get boring though. But it's actually more fun when you're with me doing quests.

Y/N: Why's that?

Neptune: You're fun to hang out with. Us protagonists have to get a lot of screen time with the reader.

Y/N: What?

Neptune: Anyway, let's get back to playing our game.

Y/N: I wonder, what's there to do in Planeptune?

Neptune: You mean you don't know?!

Y/N: I haven't had the chance to explore the city much.

Neptune: Then that's what I'm going to show. You're going to see a lot of fun things to do here. She grabbed his arm and dragged him.

Y/N: You don't have to pull me.

The two explored around the city at the time. First, they stopped at a restaurant. Neptune orders a large order with pudding involved. Y/N ordered [favorite food]. He was surprised about how much Neptune was able to eat. The two enjoyed themselves as Y/N talked about the video games from his world.

When they finished, they started exploring shops around the city. Y/N was interested by the shops he visited. He also liked the game shops they went to. Neptune even bought another game for them to play. Eventually, they saw an arcade close by.

Neptune: That looks fun. Want to check it out?

Y/N: Sure.

They went inside and saw that the area was huge and full of arcade games. They were having trouble with which to pick first.

Neptune: How about we start with this one? She said as she pointed out a racing game.

Y/N: Okay.

The two raced each other for a match. Neptune won the race in the end.

Keyblade Wielder in Gamindustri (Harem x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now