Revival Of The Four Felons

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For the remaining days at Leanbox, Y/N was either working on guild quests or playing video games with Vert. HE learned how to play 4 Goddess Online and also bought an album of 5pb's songs. After finishing his last day in Leanbox, he was getting ready to head back to Planeptune but he first wanted to contact Histoire.

Y/N: Hey, Histoire.

Histoire: Hello, Y/N. How was your time in the other nations?

Y/N: It went pretty great. Just finished in Leanbox. I'll be heading back soon.

Histoire: Very well. I'll let Neptune and Nepgear that you're on your way. They've missed you for some time.

Y/N: It'll be nice to see them again. They need to wait a little longer.

Vert: Hold on.

Y/N: Vert? What is it?

Vert: I need to call the other CPUs and Candidates and have them to Leanbox.

Y/N: Is there something important to tell us?

Vert: Something like that and I'd like to inform them all in person.

Histoire: I'll have Neptune and Nepgear head to Leanbox.

Vert: And bring IF and Compa as well. They need to hear about this too.

Histoire: Alright.

The phone disconnected as they finished talking.

Y/N: What is it that you need to talk about?

Vert: Sorry Y/N, but I don't want to spoil the surprise.

Y/N: Oh, come on.

Vert: Actually Y/N, I have a job for you to do first.

Y/N: Is there enough time for it?

Vert: Don't worry, we'll wait for you to return.

Y/N: So what is this job?

Vert: Here are the details.

She hands him a paper. Y/N reads through it as if it were another quest. It was a B-rank quest.

Y/N: Okay, this is an item search quest. It's in Gapain Field. Alright, on my way.

Vert: We'll see you back.

Y/N: I won't take too long.

He leaves the mansion and heads to Gapain Field.

Y/N: *Mentally* What does Vert want to tell us?


After a while since Y/N left, Neptune and the others arrived at the Basilicom.

Vert: I welcome you to Leanbox.

Neptune: Hey, Vert!

Noire: What did you call us all here for?

Blanc: Where's Y/N?

Neptune: Oh no. Don't tell me you're keeping him here against his will?! Making him get all charmed until he accepts your offer as a sibling! I knew this would happen!

Nepgear: Neptune, I think you're jumping to conclusions.

Vert: No, I wouldn't do that. But that doesn't sound like a bad idea now you mentioned it.

Blanc: Grrrr! She clenched her fist tightly.

Xion: So where is Y/N?

Vert: He's currently out doing a quest.

Noire: Couldn't he for us to get here? Now we have to wait for him to come back.

Vert: Actually, I sent him on one because I didn't want him listening in on our meeting.

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