"that doesnt mean she gets to be a snobby bitch!"

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Veronica's POV

I explained to the boys what happened
"Ohhh so you met Britney?" Georg says I just kinda stare at him confused "..yea?...."
Tom just laughed which made me kinda mad Bill nudged him basically telling him to stop, " Everyone adores her yk" Tom let out through Little laughs "uhm so who is this Britney girl anyway and why do so many people adore her?" I'm so confused right and my day day has started off awful.

"Well basically.." Bill starts to talk before Tom interrupts again "Her father owns the school and her mother's the mayor." Bill annoyed now says "and everyone adores her because Gustav is dating her plus she's a total snob but she gets what she wants and who she wants" bill shrugs.
"that's it?" I say I really don't think that's much of a reason to but who knows maybe she secretly hooks up with everyone but who knows "Also can someone take me too the office to get my schedule?" I ask hoping at least one of them can "yea, we can" bill says I sigh relived as they start walking to the office "wait hold up!" There so talk I can barely keep up with them

After a minute we get to the office " only one of us can come in so I guess I will" Tom says I just look at him and smile I'm a little confused but at least he's being nice! Right?

"Hi Ms, are you Veronica Neumann?" The secretary says I just looked up at Tom confused, damn he's a lot hotter up close. "She doesn't speak German. She's new." I just look at them both back and forth "ahh I see , hi Ms Neumann. Please take a seat I'll have your schedule out shortly" i give her a soft smile "okay thank you miss!" "Of course sweetie" after a few minutes she leaves the room and walked into a smaller one, she comes back holding a sheet of paper.

"Here you go Ms Neumann have a nice time here!" She says with a smile I thank her and start to walk out of the office, Tom snatches the sheet of paper "Oh I have most of my classes with you." He says calmly "oh cool! Which ones?" I ask now curious also sneakily taking back my sheet of paper, he points to Math, Chemistry, Art, History and homeroom. "Okay so I'll see you first class?" "Mhm" he doesn't really give me an answer, I just shrug it off.

I see bill and run towards him "Billllll!" He turns my way, "Do we have any classes together!?" He says excitedly, "idk check!" I say handing him schedule, he starts to squeal like a little girl "what is it bad!" I say looking up at him. "No it's good we have all classes together except homeroom and math!" He starts jumping up and down "bill chill out." I hear Tom say from behind me I turn around. God damn he's really close "like what you see darling?" He says smirking, I know he knows I didn't understand a word of it.

I start getting a little red and turn to bill looking for an answer of what Tom just said  until I hear Georg speak " does someone have a crush on the new girl?" As he says that he's nudging Tom. Bill rolls his eyes "he's just messing with you dw about it V" did bill just give me a nickname, I started to get flushed bill just laughed at me and started walking to class "C'mon Veronica let's go to Maths now" I groan and start walking along side him

Maths has never been my strong suit. And I think anyone that sees my work could say the name I mean I'm good in anything else but maths.

I walk in with Tom as  im walking to a seat the teacher stops me "Veronica right?" He says "uh yes Mr..?" "Mr. Hahn, nice to have you in my class, wait here for a second please" I just simply nod I hate when teachers do this I scan the class and see Britney smirking me, oh fuck no I sigh, this day is going to be long.

My eyes meet Tom's as they do he immediately looks away and his leg starts bouncing, awe that's a little cute- uh what am I thinkingggg, I mean he's hot but him being cute- I don't think so.

Then the bell rings and I'm still standing in the front of the class next to Mr Hahn. "Alright clad we have a new student joining us! Please introduce yourself Veronica" lord please save me right now. "Hi I just moved here from Italy" I had no clue what to say the class was mostly except for Britney whispering to a girl next to her. "Uhm alright then. Veronica please Take a seat next to Tom. Tom please raise your hand" "Don't make me regret putting her next to you, ok..?" Tom just laughs " yes Sir" he says still laughing I shoot him a confused look as I start walking up I feel something beneath me trip me.

I fall. The whole class just starts laughing "oops!" I look up and see Britney giggling with two other girls I start to pick up some books as I feel a hand touch mine it's Tom he gives me a look saying sorry. Okay maybe he wasnt so bad, I just gave him a weak smile.

"Ok. Ok, class settle down. Tom, Veronica can you please take a seat now?" "Uh" I start to say something before Tom stops me by saying "yes sir" I get up and sit down in the chair next to were Tom was sitting. He got up placing some of my books down that fell when Britney's fat ass tripped me.

"Thanks" I say to him "yea np sorry about her btw I can talk to Gustav?" I think he only said that because he was trying to make me feel better it didn't work.

"Hey Tom?" "Yeah?" "Why is Britney so bitchy" I ask I couldn't help it something has got to be wrong with her rude ass.
"Well as I said earlier her family basically like owns the town so? I guess that's why" "that doesn't mean she gets to be a snobby bitch!" I say louder than I intended too, the class goes silent and turns to me and Tom "oh shit" I mumble under my breath Tom starts to laugh at me quietly "Ms Neumann! Office now!" "Yes sir" I start to grab my stuff when someone behind me begins to talk in what I assume is German.

okay ik this chapter was long but I got a call while watching Tokio tv like... I'm busy stop calling, anyway I hope this chapter was good - 1153 words

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